Thank you to everyone who helped make last Friday’s Movie Night a success! It is always fun to have families gathered in the school for special events and we appreciate all the volunteers who work to them happen.

We enjoyed celebrating students who walked or biked to school on Wednesday. We hope it inspired families to do more non-car commutes now that the weather is improving.

Next week is Staff Appreciation Week in Seattle Public Schools. I feel incredibly honored to work with this amazing staff at Lawton! Our staff works hard to create a warm, welcoming, and safe school community that is focused on both the academic and social growth of all students. I’m impressed how our teachers, support staff, and custodians consistently place students at the center of daily decisions, which results in a school community that inspires curiosity and joyful learning for students and adults.

Move-A-Thon is Friday, May 12th

Don’t forget to send your child to school with a water bottle and athletic shoes and clothing on Friday. If you want your student to wear sunscreen, please apply at home before they come to school

Last Call: Seeking BLT Parent Representatives for Next Year

Lawton’s Building Leadership Team (BLT) meets once a month, on Mondays, from 3-4pm. If you are interested in joining, please email kmcerise today.

Upcoming Events

5/9 Nutty Squirrel Taco Tuesday (3-7pm with Ms. Collis as Special Guest)

5/10 Deadline to order Baked in Bosnia Dinner (ORDER HERE)

5/11 Baked In Bosnia Pick Up Dinner at 5:30pm

5/12 Move-A-Thon **Send your student to school with a water bottle**

5/15 Lawton Library Book Drive Begins

5/29 NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

6/2 Spirit Day: Tropical Getaway

6/19 NO SCHOOL, Juneteenth

6/20 5th Grade Promotion

6/23 Field Day

6/30 Last Day of School, 1 Hour Early Dismissal