Our staff felt so loved this week! Thank you for all the generous and creative and thoughtful ways you showed your appreciation.

It is a treat to end the week with a gorgeous day for our annual Move-A-Thon! We love seeing students show off the endurance and coordination skills they practice in PE and demonstrate grit and perseverance in the face of a challenging event.

Special thanks to over 100 volunteers who supported today’s event.

Wanted: Book Donations (three ways)

We are gearing up for lots of literacy fun. Here are some optional ways to support our efforts:

  • Lawton Library Book Drive 5/15 – 6/15. We are doing a book drive to replace favorite titles, add student requests, and update the collection. Ms. Gallegos loves Bound to Stay Bound books because they last forever. Student donations will be recognized with book plates inside the books. Book Drive starts May 15th. Donate HERE.
  • Buy a book for a student in need. We’d like to support our students in need with books for spring and summer reading. Ms. Gallegos has selected a list of titles matched with the students. If you can donate a new or gently used book, please sign up HERE.
  • Donate a book (or five) to our Lawton book swap. We’re doing a Drop Everything and Read Day on Wednesday, June 7th. As part of our festivities, we’d like to do a student book swap. If your student has books they are ready to part with, please send them to school by Friday, June 2nd (limit 5 donated books per student).

Field Day Shirts on Sale Until June 2nd

Field Day is Friday, June 23rd. Students will enjoy fun carnival and backyard games on the playground and upper field. Each grade is encouraged to wear their assigned color for the day. They can wear a shirt from home or purchase a Field Day shirt by June 2nd:

Each grade has their own shirt color. These colors will stay with your child throughout their time at Lawton. You may want to order up a size or two, so they can wear them for a few years. Students are welcome to wear any shirt on field day – color assignments just add to the fun!

Please click here to volunteer for Field Day (registered/approved SPS volunteers only).

Student Talent Show – Auditions are June 7th

Lawton will be holding two school-day assemblies for students to showcase their talents on Wednesday, June 21st:

  • 3-5 Talent Show at 8:30am
  • K-2 Talent Show at 1:30pm

Auditions will be after school on Wednesday, June 7th from 1:15 – 3:30pm in the commons. To sign up, CLICK HERE. There will be a rehearsal on Wednesday, June 14th from 1:15 – 2:30pm.

Talent Show Guidelines:

  • Acts must be under 2 minutes
  • No lip syncing
  • Four or fewer performers
  • One performance (group or solo per person)
  • Minimal equipment from home (school will have mic and speakers)
  • Skits/poems memorized

Spring Testing Information

Lawton students will be doing state testing in May and the beginning of June.

  • 5th graders take the WCAS May 11–12
  • K-2 students take the MAP assessment the last week of May
  • 3-5 students take the SBA assessment May 16–26 and MAP May 30–June 2.

You can help set your child up for success by making sure they are well rested, have a healthy breakfast and bring a snack, and arrive at school on time. Please avoid appointments/early dismissals during testing windows.

Seeking Safety Patrol Volunteers for 2023-2024

The PTA is looking for a team of adults to join Kristen Noel in supervising the Safety Patrol team next year. This is a fun and rewarding volunteer opportunity where you’ll get to guide a motivated and responsible group of 5th graders as they work to keep the school safe during morning drop-off. The time commitment could be as little as one morning a week (or less depending on number of volunteers) from 7:30am-8:00am. Please email mersina.ruediger if you’re interested or with any questions.

Last Call for Lost and Found

Our lost and found is overflowing. Please make a point of stopping by to search for items that belong to your student. We will bag items up at the end of next week for donation. Please, please, please label your student’s coats and sweatshirts. We check for names. The lost and found represents unmarked items. Please help us get items back to their owners.

Upcoming Events

5/15 Lawton Library Book Drive Begins

5/29 NO SCHOOL, Memorial Day

6/2 Spirit Day: Tropical Getaway

6/7 Talent Show Auditions

6/19 NO SCHOOL, Juneteenth

6/20 5th Grade Promotion

6/23 Field Day

6/30 Last Day of School, 1 Hour Early Dismissal