As we approach the end of the school year, we want to acknowledge that June marks more than just the end of another school year for some of our staff.

Staffing Updates 

Retirements: Both Elaine Cooper and Michael Matzner are retiring this year. We want to acknowledge their many years of service at Lawton, and the huge impact they’ve had on our students, staff and families. We were excited to see Mr. Matzner here at school yesterday for a brief visit and wish him the best in his retirement!

A Note From Mrs. Cooper –

Dear Lawton Families,

I wanted to share with you how much I have loved being a part of Lawton for the last 15 years. When I was first hired there was no music program. Dedicated parents, our generous PTA and amazing staff were all so supportive in helping to build and grow the music program to what it is today. Through all the ups and downs of the last few years, the kindness and caring of your children and the joy of music-making has continued. Thank you so much for all you have given.

After 35 years of music teaching, it is time for me to travel with my wonderful husband, see the world and spend more time with family. I will miss your children and will hold the memories of my time here at Lawton close to my heart always. I look forward to hearing about all the new and wonderful things your students will be learning in music next year.

With gratitude,

Mrs. Cooper


  • Hannah Bowley is heading off on a world bike adventure/sabbatical;
  • Nurse Somi is going to graduate school;
  • Carla Folkins is going to be Super Grandma for the cutest baby ever;
  • Abby Kinder and Domini LaRussa are ending their leave coverage positions; and
  • Staffing reductions mean Erica Collis and Jessica Luke won’t be in their same positions, but we’re hoping we’ll still see them frequently as substitutes or in other capacities.

While things may change between now and September, here are our expected grade level configurations and teacher assignments based on what we know about enrollment and staffing at this time:

  • 3 Kindergarten: Dominguez, Lundgren, McDonagh
  • 2 First Grade: Conner, Via
  • 1st/2nd Split: Noel
  • 2 Second Grade: Bakker, Wyman
  • 3 Third Grade: Hafzalla, Soccorsy, Wong
  • 2 Fourth Grade: Leache, Michalsen
  • 2 Fifth Grade: French, Swartzman

Lawton Garden Work Party

Lawton Parent Wes Walls is organizing a Garden Work Party for our Lawton campus on Sunday, June 25, from 9am – 1pm. We’d love to have you join his volunteer crew work to beautify our school, so feel free to come by and pitch in!

Talent Show Update

Our heartfelt thanks for last Wednesday’s phenomenal talent show; Lawton’s stars truly shone bright! To our June 21st performers: if you didn’t attend last Tuesday’s rehearsal, please join us on June 20th from about 2:30-3:15 in the cafeteria. You can choose to run through your entire act or just do a walk-through. We appreciate your dedication and involvement in making these events so special. Thank you!

Upcoming Events

6/19 NO SCHOOL, Juneteenth

6/20 5th Grade Promotion 5:30pm

6/21 Talent Shows Part B 8:30am

6/23 Field Day

6/25 Grounds Work Party 9am – 1pm (mulching and weeding)

6/30 Last Day of School, 1 Hour Early Dismissal