Lawton Families,

It was so nice to see such a big turnout for our PTA Back To School Bash on Friday! We got lucky with the sunny weather, and I want to thank our amazing PTA for organizing this fun event!

Dress for Weather – speaking of weather, it is that time of year when students will need to be mindful of dressing for cold and wet weather. Students play outside for recess for 30-45 minutes every day (which is a WA state law), so they should bring labelled outer wear every day. Labelled clothing is easily reunited with students – and do remember to check out the Lost and Found periodically (it is located in the gym/cafeteria hallway).

No parking in the circle at the end of 27th Ave W. – a reminder to people picking up students at the end of the day that parking is not allowed in the circular end of the street. School buses, large district or city vehicles, and emergency vehicles cannot access the school campus if cars are parked in that area, so it remains off limits for parking even after school.

Lunch/recess supervisors – we have 3 fantastic parents who are hourly staff at Lawton and supervise our morning recess and lunch periods – and we’d love to hear from a couple more folks who would be interested in working occasional days or filling in for our hourly staff when needed. Reach out to Jessica Luke in the Main Office if you are interested in knowing more about this: jaluke

Lunch accounts, menu – we want to make sure that you know that all students in SPS have Personal Identification Numbers for school meals, and students use those PINs when purchasing breakfast or lunch. We have noticed many students who have brought lunch from home purchasing milk or a meal (especially on pizza day) and want to make sure that families know where to find menu and account payment information:

Fall health information – The SPS COVID updated response webpage has the latest info on our procedures and protocols.

SPS Flu and COVID-19 clinics are coming up! Nearby locations at Catherine Blaine, Whitman and McClure with convenient appointment times.

Please register at your earliest convenience. Appointments are limited and will fill up quickly. All clinics are indoors. COVID-19 vaccines will be available at clinics starting 9/30. All patients will need their own, separate appointment in the patient’s name, with their information. A family of four will need four appointments. If you are unable to register all patients within the same time block, please choose the closest available time block for the remaining patients. You may still come together at the same time. You must have an accepted, verified insurance plan on file during registration, or you will need to pay out-of-pocket at the time of service.



PTA News –

After School Enrichment

The After School Enrichment registration is still open until October 7th at 11:59pm. Many classes are already sold out, but the following programs still have limited spots available: Basketball, Hip-Pop Dance, Run Like The Wind, Spanish, and Zumba. Register here.

In order to run these after school classes, the PTA is in need of on-site volunteers (afterschoolprograms if you have questions or would like to volunteer.

PTA Committees

The following committees are still in urgent need of members: Movie Night, Art Docent, Yearbook, Kindergarten Social, and Bingo Night. If you are able to help with any of these, please sign up here. Thank you!

Movie Night

Thank you to the volunteers who came forward to help us organize Movie Night! We now can run the event as planned. Mark your calendars for October 20th, more details to follow.

Become a member of the Lawton PTA!
When you join the Lawton PTA, you have an opportunity to engage with our school community and have a say in how funds are spent at Lawton. Your membership supports local and state efforts to improve the lives of children and their families. Go here to sign up. Annual membership fees are $15 per individual or $25 per family. For only $10 you can donate a membership to a teacher during checkout! If you were a member last year, please renew by purchasing a 2023-24 membership above.

Upcoming Events

10/6 – School Spirit Day – Tie Dye!

10/9 – Indigenous People’s Day (Lawton Open but Boys & Girls Club is closed after school)

10/13 – No School (Teacher Professional Development Day)

10/16 – 11/17 – PTA Direct Drive Campaign

10/20 – PTA Movie Night, 5pm – 7pm