Lawton Families –

This is an "out of cycle" communication with some timely information for you:

1. School pictures were distributed to classrooms yesterday, so you will see the photo envelopes coming home this week. From the photographer:

If you would like to view your students photos you may do so at:

Click on the 2023-2024 folder, the password is: 2324

Make Up day is scheduled for November the 3rd. Should you desire a retake of your child’s photo please let your teacher know. Original portrait prints must be returned.

2. With Halloween coming up in a couple weeks, I wanted to share the Lawton School policies and guidance on costumes and celebrations so you can plan accordingly (if your family chooses to celebrate this event):

  • No masks. Student faces must be visible and identifiable.
  • No face paint. Whiskers and freckles are fine, but face paint may not include blood, gore, or obscure a student’s appearance.
  • No accessories. All costume extras, including fake weapon accessories of any kind, are prohibited.
  • Costumes should be packed, not worn to school. Teachers may provide students an opportunity to change into costumes in the afternoon, but students should arrive in normal school clothes. Please refer to communication from each teacher for more on classroom celebrations.
  • Practical footwear. Remember that all students have either PE or Music, and recess still occur, so all footwear should be safe and comfortable for a day of learning and active play.
  • Avoid cultural appropriation. Seattle Public Schools is committed to making students from all cultures and backgrounds feel welcome, safe, and respected at school.

3. The Wednesday before our 11/10 holiday (and day off school), we will have an all-school assembly focused on Veteran’s Day. We have a tradition of creating a slide show of photos of veterans in our students’ (and staff) families for this assembly. If you have a family member who is a veteran (and is someone your student knows or knows of!), we’d love for you to send it to Lawton by Friday, Nov. 3 so we can include it in our slide show. Tell us the name of the veteran, the student(s) connected to the veteran, the military branch they served in, and the era (time period) of their service. If you know of a veteran who would like to speak or attend our assembly, please also let us know! Thank you!