Dear Lawton Families,

I’m really enjoying popping into our classrooms and learning spaces the last few weeks, and seeing our students excited about what they are learning! From Kindergarten students writing their first stories, first and second graders working in small groups on math practice problems, third graders learning about the life cycle of salmon both in the library and in the classroom, to fourth and fifth graders starting their Wednesday clubs (dance, newspaper, Student Union, & media study), and students in PE & Music learning songs and dances for upcoming school events, the school is abuzz with students driving their learning through their own choices and voice! This year our staff is using our professional development time on Wednesday Early Release afternoons to intentionally develop instruction, assignments and assessments that engage students at all levels, particularly our students who are developing grade level skills and our advanced learners, so we’re excited as adults to learn and grow this year too!

Halloween Expectations

Please refer to communication from your student’s teacher about costumes or parties; Lawton staff also remind you that we do not allow masks, face paint, or costume accessories (especially weapons). Costumes should be packed, not worn, to school, and we remind families that students should have school appropriate footwear and avoid cultural appropriation in costume choices.

Veteran’s Day Assembly

This is “last call” for you to send photos of veterans in your student’s family to Lawton for our Veteran’s Day assembly on Wednesday, 11/8 (8am). Also – we’d love to have Scouts present the flag, so if you have a Scout that would like to participate, let us know by email and we will reach out to your child to participate!


Elementary family-teacher conferences will be held from 3-6pm on Thursday, 11/16, and all day Monday, 11/20 and Tuesday, 11/21 this year. All elementary schools in Seattle have no school for students 11/20-11/24 in order to provide time for conferences and in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Teachers will be sending out information about how to sign up for conferences, and we do expect all of our families to participate in these important discussions.

Used Sneaker Collection – A Service Project for Ms. Leache’s Class (This message was sent to me by a student in Ms. Leache’s 4th grade!)

We are keeping sneakers out of landfills!

We do not accept boots or high heels, just sneakers.

When you give us sneakers, it helps the planet and our pen pals at the Balo School in India.

Last year the Lawton community kept over 700 sneakers out of landfills. Let’s do it again!

Please donate in pairs to the blue bin in front of the school. Learn more at

Upcoming Events

10/16 – 11/17 – PTA Direct Drive Campaign

11/3 – Picture retake day (morning only)

11/3 – Fall Festival

Lawton PTA invites your family to celebrate with us at our annual Fall Festival on Friday November 3, from 5:00 – 7:00pm. Join us in the commons and gym for crafts, cake walk, face paint, games, dancing and more! Dinner can be purchased from food trucks on site. Baked goods and gently used Dolphin gear will be on sale as a cash only transaction.

Back this year – kids dance party! Starting at 5:45, our very own Mr. Peters will be leading the kids in fun group dances. They have been practicing in PE and it is sure to be a hit.

This event is only possible with help from our terrific volunteers. Please sign up here. We hope to see you there!

11/10 – No School in recognition of Veterans’ Day