Lawton Families,
As we enter into March, students in all of our classes at Lawton are really blossoming academically, and are demonstrating so much growth in social emotional learning skills! This year our staff has been really intentional about inviting families to school to celebrate student learning in a variety of ways, and we love seeing you visit our classrooms, come to our assemblies, and join us at evening class events lately and throughout this year – so thank you for your partnership and engagement at Lawton!
This time of year we also get very excited about extension or enrichment opportunities for students to dig deeper into academic areas, like student writing and research projects, our recent Book Fair (where our amazing community not only bought hundreds of books for students, but also provided 13 scholarships for books and raised $1800 for books for library), the Global Reading Challenge event (with 52 fourth and fifth graders participating), and our upcoming STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) week for all grade levels the week of March 10.
This year for STEAM week we’ll of course do the Cardboard Challenge, have the Pacific Science Center come for an entire day of “Space” themed assembly/workshops/exhibits (thank you to the PTA), and we’ll celebrate Pi Day (3.14) on Friday with math games in all classrooms instead of having the previously scheduled evening event on 3/13.
Finally, I want to share another math enrichment opportunity with you that I hope you’ll consider for your students if they are excited about math and enjoy math thinking. Lincoln High School’s Math Club is again holding an Elementary Math Competition on Saturday, April 6, and students can attend as individual participants or can form a team to compete. I am so supportive of this student-initiated, homegrown event at Lincoln, and am delighted to see opportunities for math extension and enrichment for Lawton students! The event is geared toward grades 4 and 5, but younger students are welcome to attend (especially if math is their jam!). I’d love to hear from you if you do form teams of Lawton students, and want to support our students in preparing for the experience as well!
Upcoming Events:
March 7 – School Spirit Day: Wacky Hair or Hat
March 12 – Cardboard Challenge due
March 25 – Principal Coffee, 8am (Commons)
Dina Clagg, Lawton Principal