From: Allison Deno <>
Date: Fri, Oct 30, 2020 at 9:01 AM
Subject: Principal Newsletter – October 30, 2020

Today’s Principal Newsletter has lots of information. Please read on for updates about curriculum night, fall conferences, Thanksgiving meal support and internet safety.  

Dolphin Curriculum Connection and Fall Conferences

This year, Lawton Elementary is hosting Curriculum Night asynchronously on Flipgrid. We invite you to learn more about our teachers at Lawton and what they are teaching at each grade level this year. This is also where you’ll be able to sign up for conferences.

Step 1: Click this link and watch welcome video.

Step 2: Go to the “View 8 Topics” dropdown menu to browse videos by grade level. Please note that some grade levels tackled curriculum by subject, and you will learn from each teacher. Remember to watch our support staff videos too!

Step 3: Sign up for a parent-teacher conference using the links on your grade level page. 

flipgrid instructions

Reading Across Lawton

The leaves are falling, the air is cooling, and we’re thinking about getting cozy with books!

Audra Gallegos was our special guest at this month’s Dolphin Dialogue. She highlighted the growing number of eBooks in the Lawton Collection and shared about her work with older students reflecting on media literacy habits, media consumption, and differences in how they feel after making different media choices.  

Ms. Gallegos also reminded us that many of the Lawton reading traditions are alive and well, even under virtual conditions. Consider joining your student(s) in these Lawton traditions focused on exploring noteworthy books, reading widely, and joyfully anticipating your next great read: 

  • Children’s Book Award Nominees. The Washington Children’s Choice Picture Book Award was started in 1982. Lawton K-2 students hear all 20 nominated picture books read by their school librarian or teacher and participate in the voting along with students throughout the state.
  • Global Reading Challenge. The Global Reading Challenge is a reading incentive program for 4th and 5th graders enrolled in Seattle Public Schools. Students form teams and read selected books, then take part in a trivia competition.
  • To Be Read (TBR) Lists. Lawton 3-5th graders will be getting TBR lists in their November 6th packets. These are a great way to track and plan for your next great read.  
  • Reading Odyssey. All Lawton readers are encouraged to read widely – building their knowledge of and exposure to a wider range of genres. Our 4th and 5th graders participate in a Reading Odyssey to encourage these skills.  

Adults are encouraged to join the fun. Curl up with a picture book, consider reading one or more of the Global Reading Challenge titles, try a new genre, and add to your own TBR list.  We want to foster a community of readers at Lawton and you are part of that!

Here are some resources to help you join fun:

November 3 is Election Day. Please vote!

We acknowledge that current events and the likelihood that it may take longer than normal for the votes to be tallied may increase election-related anxiety, apprehension, and stress for our students and families. While we can’t predict what will happen next week, I can promise that the election results won’t change Lawton’s focus on your child’s wellbeing, safety, and academic success or our commitment to creating a safe, welcoming learning environment.

Common Sense Media has some helpful resources to use at home to help with conversations about the 2020 election:   

Thanksgiving Meal Support

Parents in the Lawton community want to make sure every family at Lawton who wants a Thanksgiving dinner is able to have one. To request help with Thanksgiving groceries, please submit this form to the front office by Friday, November 6thThanksgiving Meals 2020.pdf 

Dolphin Dreams Direct Drive – EXTENDED! 

We need the support of our Lawton community now more than ever, and for that reason we’re extending the direct drive for one more week! With your support, the PTA is funding the resources required in and out of the classroom. 

We’re aiming for 100% participation from each class.  A financial contribution isn’t required, but certainly appreciated! All classes that reach 100% participation will be invited to a fun dance party hosted by Ms. Volk! Participate today to help your child’s class reach their goal.

PTA General Meeting & Internet Safety Presentation – November 2nd

On Monday, November 2nd Lawton Elementary PTA is hosting a General Meeting and a parent education session.

  • At 5:30pm: PTA general meeting to share updates on the Dolphin Direct Drive, discuss revisions to the 2020 PTA budget, and plan for 2021. 
  • At 6:00pm: Internet Safety presentation by Kelley Crouch, Strategic Advisor for the Seattle Police Department’s Washington State Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. 

Key Dates

November 1 – Daylight Savings Ends – Set clocks back one hour

November 2 – PTA Meeting and Internet Safety Presentation for Parents (5:30 – 7pm)

November 3 – General Election. Remember to vote!

November 6 – Veterans Day Assembly, Spirit Day (Marvelous Masks), and Packet Pickup for ALL Grades

November 11 – Veterans Day (NO SCHOOL)

November 23 – 27 – Conference Days and Thanksgiving Break (NO SCHOOL)