This week is National School Counseling Week. Our school counselor, Erica Barry, provides a wide range of supports at Lawton. She serves as a liaison for families in need, provides social emotional learning instruction in our classrooms, hosts lunch bunch and social friendship groups, and meets individually with students. Her work is a key component to Lawton’s systems of support for students and families. We are so appreciative of Ms. Barry’s support for our Lawton Dolphins and the Lawton PTA’s financial support of this position. 

Packet and Library Book Pick Up Today for ALL GRADES

Library books and paper packets are outside today from 8am to 3pm. Students who redeemed tickets at the WAVE store will find their prizes in their packets and upper grades will find their Valentines inside. Enjoy!

Dolphin Race and Equity Family Night –Tuesday, February 9th

We invite all families, caregivers, and students, to join the Lawton Race and Equity Team and guest facilitator, Lynn Stromski, on Tuesday, February 9th from 6:00 – 6:45 PM in a guided community conversation aimed to bring normalcy to race discussions in our home, school, and interpersonal relationships. We will talk about our racial identity, response to others who look different from us, and reflect on conversations with our families.

Zoom Meeting Link:  (Meeting ID: 891 7002 1134, Passcode: 536854)

Toiletry Drive February 1 – 12th

The Lawton PTA is collecting toiletry items for the Urban Rest Stop. Please drop your donations in the bins outside Lawton’s front doors. Items needed include: washcloths, toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable razors, sharing creams, socks, and underwear.

Key Dates

February 5 – Packet and library book pickup for ALL Grades (8am – 3pm)

February 9 – Race and Equity Family Night at 6pm (Meeting link)

February 12 – Last day to donate to Toiletry Drive

February 15-19 – NO SCHOOL: Mid-Winter Break