February is an in-between time in each school year – celebrating the solid relationships and learning that’s already happened this year while we make plans for the year to come.

Earlier this month, we hosted virtual tours for families planning to join the Lawton community in the fall and we are now in the midst of our budget and planning cycle for next year (last call to take the 5-minute school budget survey).

We enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day this week. We hope next week’s mid-winter break gives you quality time with the ones you love. We look forward to seeing students back in class on Monday, February 28th.

Health and Safety Updates

Lawton Covid Update. This week (2/14 – 2/18), Lawton sent zero classroom COVID notifications.

Masks. While Governor Inslee has set an end date for the state indoor mask requirement, at this time SPS still requires masks indoors and outdoors at school.

Upcoming Events

February 21-25 – NO SCHOOL, Mid-Winter Break

February 28 – PTA General Budget Meeting to discuss the 2022/2023 budget (6-7pm)

March 4 – Spirit Day: Neon

March 8 – Save the date: BBQ dinner by Pecado Bueno & It’s All Good Catering