June is such a fun month. The learning continues amidst lots of fun special events.

This week:

  • Classes redeemed WAVE tickets for frozen treats and celebrations;
  • 4th and 5th grade students took walking field trips to rock climb, golf, and explore Discovery Park;
  • Lawton Dolphins showcased their skills and talents in our Talent Show; and
  • The whole school enjoyed Field Day activities.

Ask your students to share which activities they most enjoyed and to think about the countless volunteers who donated their time to make these events engaging and fun.

End of Year Close-Out

At this point, the following should have been returned to school:

  • Student devices and chargers
  • Library books

If you still have books or devices at home, please make sure they are returned Monday.

Absences and Early Departures

If you have planned vacations, appointments, or absences in the last week of school, please remember to email the attendance office (lawton) to let us know. Knowing about absences and late arrivals before the start of the school day is helpful for staff as we begin each day.

Lost and Found – Review and claim by Friday, June 17th

Our lost and found racks are overflowing. Please encourage your student to search for lost items or look next time you are in the building. All unclaimed items will be donated on Monday, June 20th.

Lawton Grounds Clean Up – Sunday, June 26th

Willing to lend a hand for an hour or three to help pull weeds and spread mulch? We’d love your help getting the Lawton grounds tidied up for summer. Please join us Sunday, June 26th 9am to 1pm. It’s helpful if you bring your own gloves, but we’ll also have tools and gloves on hand to share. Please sign up HERE.

Health Updates

Covid notifications. We sent zero classroom notifications in the past week. You can find district-level information on the SPS Covid Dashboard.

June vaccination and booster clinics. SPS is partnering with Othello Station Pharmacy to offer COVID-19 vaccination clinics open to all SPS students, staff, and their families, ages 5 and up.

  • Saturday, June 11, 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., Whitman Middle School
  • Sunday, June 12, 11 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Eckstein Middle School
  • Wednesday, June 15, 3-6 p.m., Louisa Boren STEM K-8 School
  • Saturday, June 18, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Madison Middle School

Register for clinics on the SPS COVID vaccine webpage:

Upcoming Events

June 13 – 5th Grade Promotion

June 15 – Black Community Special Education Forum (6:30 – 8pm)

June 17 – Last Day of School, 1-hour early dismissal