Principal Newsletter 2/10/25
Lawton Families, I feel like you're hearing from me every day - but it is time for my bi-weekly message! Thanks for supporting your children during remote learning last week - it's a challenge, but we like to keep students learning as much as possible, and it saves us from adding days to the end of the year! And please be sure to always send the devices back to school after they are sent home - thank you! Request from the Main Office We'd love donations of applesauce and bars to have on hand! From Ms. Barry - Counselor Corner Classroom Lessons Our classroom lessons on Kelso’s Choice (problem solving), Personal Safety and Bullying are ongoing in
Principal Newsletter 1.27.25
Lawton Families, It was so fun to see so many families in the building this week at our PTA Bingo Night and Lawton Book Fair! Events like these really support a sense of community and reinforce our love for learning and for play at Lawton, and we appreciate the all hard work that our PTA and staff (shout out to Ms. Gallegos!) give to make our school events possible! On that note – as we are at the mid-year mark, I have created a really short Family Engagement and Feedback survey that I would love you to click on and fill out. I will share the anonymous responses with our Building Leadership Team, PTA and staff in February
Principal Newsletter, 1.13.25
Lawton Families, We’re off to a great start in the new year at Lawton! As I pop into classrooms this week, I see 3rd –5th grades starting new writing units, K-2 students finishing up the 1st book in their math curriculum, and 4th and 5th grade students having Art class with our Visiting Artist Valencia Carroll (all other grades will do Art this year as well!). Looking forward, I have lots of announcements for events coming up: Lawton MLK Jr. Assembly – Wed., 1/15 (and no school for MLK Jr. Day on 1/20) Lawton Book Fair – Tues. 1/21 - Fri. 1/24 The Secret Garden Book Fair is back! Book fairs raise money for the library and build excitement around reading. The
Lawton Updates for Jan. 6, 2025
Lawton Families, Hope that you have had a fantastic Winter Break, and we are excited to see your students on January 6, 2025! Just a few reminders for you as you prepare to send your students back to school on Monday: School Devices Must Be Returned It is not likely that we will have an inclement weather day on January 6, so the devices (iPads for K-2, laptops for 3-5) AND chargers that were sent home over break must return with your student on January 6. We use the devices for both instruction and for assessments and our students need to have access to them at school every day. Report Absences, Late Arrival/Early Dismissal and Bus Changes to
Principal Newsletter, 12.9.24
Lawton Families, As we head into the next two weeks, Lawton classrooms are buzzing with lots of learning and lots of excitement for the upcoming Winter Break! On that note, we have been asked by the district to send home school devices and chargers with students over the break in the event there should be inclement weather on January 6 (when we are due to return to school). The district will move to remote learning in lieu of cancelling school days for inclement weather, and you can read more about their policy and procedures here. Remote learning will be conducted on Teams, and links to the Teams meetings will be emailed to you and your students should we
Principal Newsletter 10.18.24
Lawton Families, Fall is definitely here, and with the change of season comes cooler, wetter weather (so send labelled coats with your students), beginning of year academic assessments in all grades, and fun PTA traditions like the Direct Drive and the Fall Festival (more info on those below). But First - Some New Lawton Staff We have new staff that have joined our Lawton team since the start of the school year that I’d like to make sure you know about – please give a warm welcome to: Tamara Siler, who is our new Multilanguage Learner Teacher - she will be at Lawton on Wednesdays and Fridays. We also have Marisol Munguia de la Cruz filling our new
Principal Newsletter, 10.7.24
Lawton Families, As we enter into the 2nd month of school, it is so inspiring to see and hear our students eagerly engaging in learning and playing together in our classrooms and on our playground. While all of our students are diving into the first academic units and social emotional lessons of the year, it has particularly been so fun to see the 4th and 5th grade students start their “clubs” on Wednesdays, to see 2nd and 3rd grade students reading chapter books and engaging in complex math work, and to see how mature and confident the 1st graders are this year! And our Kindergarteners – they are hands-down the best hallway walkers in the school, and are
Principal Newsletter, 9.20.24
Lawton Families, This year I plan to continue sending this email every two weeks, and this version is really the 9/23 message. Because we have some timely info that I want you to have today, I’m sending it off-cycle; my next email will be Oct. 7, followed by Oct. 21, etc. I also will be sending you a separate email with PTA info and news today, as the PTA has just transitioned to a new communication platform called Konstella, and has stopped sending Dolphin Tales. I also want to share that this morning one of our staff members experienced a medical emergency and we did call SFD and EMTs for assistance. During the time that they transported
Lawton Drop Off Safety
Lawton Families, First - welcome Kindergarten Families! The students are doing great in their classes, and we are so happy to have you join our school! Next - Our PTA-run Safety Patrol program will start on Wednesday, and when the Patrol students are present at drop off, we ask that all adults and students follow their signs, movement and directions. This applies to people in cars as well as people walking to school. Additionally, here are some reminders and tips about having a safe and efficient morning drop off at Lawton: 1. Drop off is between 7:40am and 7:55am. There is no staff supervision of students who are dropped off before 7:40am, and that is a safety risk
Principal Newsletter 9.3.24
Lawton Families! After a classic PNW Labor Day weekend, we hope your first through fifth grade students are ready to start school on Wednesday, Sept. 4! Please note that this is a full school day, with no Early Release. Our Kindergarten families will meet with their teachers next week, and then we’re excited to welcome all 65 new Kindergarten students on Monday, Sept. 9! New staff, staffing updates Academic Intervention Specialists – Over the summer we have hired Hannah Hansen, former 3rd grade teacher at John Hay, as an AIS. She will work with small groups of students to strengthen literacy and math skills at all grade levels this year. Hannah joins Audra Gallegos, our School Librarian, who also