• Principal Newsletter – October 8, 2021

    We hope your family is having a safe and joyful Friday. While your students are home, Lawton staff are busy planning for strong and engaging math instruction, attending assessment trainings, collaborating as teaching teams, and working on an all-school student engagement project. Students spend approximately 1,000 hours at school each year. We want to make sure those hours are filled with Lawton students feeling seen, known, and loved. Research shows that strong teacher-student relationships are associated with short- and long-term improvements in academic engagement, attendance, grades, positive behavior, and graduation rates. Lead by our PBIS Committee, Lawton staff will be taking time to look at photos of each and every student in our school to see how many

  • Principal Newsletter – October 1, 2021

    Lawton Dolphins have had a great week! We emphasize showing the WAVE at school and our students are doing just that: Welcome everyone Act responsibly Value learning Encourage each other On Monday, we had our second flood of the rainy season downstairs. District staff came quickly to assist in clean up and attempt to stop it from happening in the future. Students and teachers changed their end of day routines to avoid the flooded areas. We’re becoming masters of flexibility! On Tuesday, the Seattle Fire Department came to observe our whole school fire drill. The drill went quickly and smoothly. Fire Captain Allen spoke to the students about how impressed he was with them. Today, our tie-dye spirit

  • Principal Newsletter – September 24, 2021

    Thank you for attending our Curriculum Connections meetings this week with teachers. Students are continuing to engage in learning activities that connect community building and social emotional learning with academics. Examples of this include "I come from" poems in 4th grade and other writing prompts like: who am I, I can tame the beast by, and I can be a good friend by. Ask your student about the writing they did this week. ATTENDANCE We really appreciate your efforts to get students to school on time! Help us on track by: Getting students to campus by 7:45 so that they are ready to enter the building when the bell rings at 7:50 and in class and ready to

  • Principal Newsletter – September 17, 2021

    This week, students began visiting the library with our librarian, Ms. Gallegos. The re-opening of our library to students is exciting for all of us. Ms. Gallegos did a great job keeping books in student hands during remote and hybrid learning last year but it’s so much more fun for them to browse the shelves themselves to discover something new.   Each fall, we make time for families to meet your student’s teacher and hear about the upcoming year. Our teachers are looking forward to hosting virtual Curriculum Connections meetings on September 21st. Please join us to hear about the exciting learning planned for your student and what our new “normal” looks like in the classroom.  Each teacher

  • Principal Newsletter – September 10, 2021

    Happy Friday Lawton Dolphins! This week we had a chance to welcome our kindergarten students to campus this week. Students and teachers are thoughtfully creating class charters, continuing community building, and learning all within our new normal. HEALTH AND SAFETY INFORMATION The health and safety of our entire community is important. We’ve had confirmed COVID cases in three classrooms since the start of school. It takes all of us working together to keep learning safe and joyful. The rest of this newsletter is dedicated to safety reminders, sharing information about how COVID is handled at school, and identifying things you can do to help keep students safe outside of school hours. Consistent with Department of Health guidelines for

  • Principal Newsletter – September 3, 2021

    Thank you for a wonderful first week of school! We are looking forward to welcoming our kindergarten students to campus on September 9th. First Day Packets Your 1st – 5th grade student should have brought home an envelope full of start of school forms and information. Kindergarten families will receive their packets soon. Please return all forms as soon as possible. Extra Masks Please send your child with a few clean masks each day. We’re finding that PE and multiple recesses can leave masks soiled and uncomfortable. Having extras will keep your child safe and comfortable throughout the school day. We have disposable masks available when needed. End of Day Plans Please make sure your student knows their

  • Principal Newsletter – August 27, 2021

    Happy Friday! Lawton teachers and staff are hard at work preparing for the year ahead. We are looking forward to seeing your students next week! You should have received your student’s teacher assignment via email today. If you didn’t, please email Kristina Cerise. Your teacher assignment email includes lots of important information about school supplies, arrival and dismissal procedures, health protocols, and more. We’re keeping this newsletter short so that you can focus on reading the teacher letter closely. Students with Medications Please remember that if your student has life-saving medications (e.g., epi pens or inhalers) or needs medication of any kind at school (even over-the-counter medication), we need both the medication and this form completed by your health

  • Principal Newsletter – August 20, 2021

    Welcome to the New Year Preparations are underway for the new year. Teachers and staff are excited to welcome students on September 1st!  Teachers return to work on Thursday, August 26th; look for your child’s teacher assignment via email on Friday, August 27th.  School Supplies The grade-level supply lists are available HERE  and will be included in your teacher welcome letters. If buying school supplies is a financial burden for your family, please email Kristina Cerise for assistance. Arrival and Dismissal Bell Times. School will start at 7:55am daily. Students may arrive on campus at 7:45am. School dismisses at 2:25pm except on Wednesdays when it dismisses at 1:10pm. Entry and Exit. To support our health and safety protocols, we

  • Principal Newsletter – June 4, 2021

    From: Dr DenoSent: Friday, June 4, 2021 9:01 AMSubject: Principal Newsletter - June 4, 2021   We know many in our community have been waiting for details about a service to honor the life and memory of Ms. Ulmer. There will be a remote laying in service on Friday, June 11th - please email for link. It was Lily's wish to use a composting service to return her body to the nature she loved so dearly. You can find out more information about the process and what to expect by visiting: https://recompose.life The waiting room will open 15 minutes before the ceremony which will include opening information about the service, a candle lighting ceremony for those who wish to light a candle

  • Principal Newsletter – May 28, 2021

    From: Allison Deno Sent: Friday, May 28, 2021 9:01 AM Subject: Principal Newsletter - May 28, 2021 A kind thank you to all families for your assistance in supporting Lawton safety measures! We love seeing students smile through their masks, maintaining distance in the halls, and knowing they are healthy with cleared attestations. Thank you for your teamwork keeping our school a healthy and safe space for all. Next week we’ll have end of year updates for you including instructions for device and materials return. Have a safe and relaxing weekend. We’ll see you again Tuesday! Drop Off & Pick Up Reminders Please help us keep students safe and things running smoothly by remembering to: Drive slowly and