• Principal Newsletter 6.18.24

    Lawton Families – This is the last Family Newsletter for this school year - please remember that tomorrow is a holiday with no school, and on Friday we release 1 hour early at 1:25pm! Paper report cards come home June 21, and you can also view progress reports and spring assessment results on the Source in July. Lost and Found will be donated the last day of school! Poster for Lawton Family Outdoor Work Party 6.2024.pdf on Sunday, June 30th, from 9am to 1pm. Let's come together to weed, prune, and beautify Lawton. While most tools will be available, feel free to bring your preferred gloves and trimmers. Looking forward to seeing you there! Summer reading Flyer 5-31.pdf

  • Principal Newsletter, 6.10.24

    Lawton Families, This week I have news and information related to the end of this school year, and next week I will send a final family newsletter with information about summer activities and the new Fall 2024 school year. Device Collection – all school devices must be at Lawton starting this week. We check them back in for the summer and your student will have a new device issued to them in the fall. Staff Updates - While I am delighted that the vast majority of our staff are returning next year, we do have some staff leaving us in order to pursue new opportunities: Erica Collis will be the PE teacher at Cascadia next year, and SLPs

  • Principal Newsletter

    Lawton Families, As we head into June, we are wrapping up testing and heading into field trip season. All of our grade levels will head out into the community in May and June for experiential learning, from as close as Lawton and Discovery Parks, to as far as a state capitol tour in Olympia. Our yearbooks have also been printed, and we will aim to hand them out on June 7. If you did not pre-order a yearbook for your student, the PTA will sell them in person at Lawton the week of June 10 (more details to come). June is a fun month at Lawton, so check out the events list below to keep track of it

  • Principal Newsletter, 5/13/24

    Lawton Families, Last week was very exciting around here, with our staff spoiled by delicious food, and lovely thoughts and gifts (thank you so much to our students, families and PTA – and a special shout out to Mikelle Newer for coordinating the wonderful buffets). Our students got lots of exercise biking/walking/rolling to school on Wednesday and doing the Move-A-Thon on Friday too! This week we return to our focus on academics, with some of our classes starting state testing, and others starting final units in math, ELA and science as we start to head into the last 6 weeks of the school year. 5th grade promotion – June 18, 5-6pm This event has been on our Family

  • Principal Newsletter, 4.29.24

    Dear Lawton Families, I want to start with a big shout out to our amazing School Counselor, Erica Barry, for organizing last week’s fun and well-attended Career Night and Volunteer Appreciation event – and to all the Lawton family members and PTA Board, who gave their time to share details about their careers with our students! On Friday, May 3 our School Spirit theme is College or Career wear! Also on May 3 - Lost and Found items will be donated on this day, so please give the racks a check this week! SPS Artificial Intelligence Policies SPS recently published information about how we use AI, and teach in the new AI reality. This work is new for

  • Principal Newsletter, 4/12/24

    Lawton Families, Welcome back from Spring Break! With no inclement weather days so far this year (hooray!), and our last day projected for June 21, the spring brings us so many fun events to look forward to – including field trips for many grade levels, Career Night (and Volunteer Appreciation) on April 23, the PTA Move-A-Thon fundraiser on May 10, and of course, Field Day on June 14. Lawton Career Night (and PTA Volunteer Appreciation!) Please join us on April 23rd, from 5:30-6:30 pm, for our second annual Lawton Career Exploration Night! We are so excited to showcase the jobs and careers of family members in our Lawton community. This is an all-ages open-house event with activities for

  • Principal Newsletter, 4.1.24

    Lawton Families - It's April already (no fooling!). In March we celebrated all things STEAM, and in April we highlight reading, poetry, and literature at Lawton. We’ll have poetry readings by Library Leaders in a variety of settings (whole school and in classrooms), a Spirit Day to dress like a favorite literary character, and Library lessons will focus on developing a joyful appreciation of poetry. Library Leaders are part of our 4th/5th grade clubs, and this month we also have our Lawton Student Union (club) visiting K-3 classes to teach about Ruby Bridges, our Capoeira club teaching us about the practice at an assembly, our Newspaper club just published their 2nd "Lawton Times" edition, and our Book/Movie club

  • Principal Newsletter 3.18.24

    Lawton Families - Spring has sprung! Hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather, and there was a wonderful buzz in the air last week at Lawton as we focused on STEAM (and Pi/pie!). We are so grateful for the gracious support of the PTA, parent volunteers and passionate staff to make the events of this week possible, and this week really showcased how powerful the partnership between our school and family community is at Lawton. Our celebration of science, technology, engineering, art and math is a Lawton tradition that helps promote academic enrichment, innovation, and inquiry for students at all grade levels, and we loved seeing the creative cardboard challenge entries, math challenge sheets and focus on learning

  • Principal Newsletter 3.4.24

    Dear Lawton Families, Last week the Magnolia and Blaine communities were notified that a man in a car had approached students walking on the sidewalk and exposed himself to them. This incident was reported to SPD by parents, but it is now the 2nd time since January that an incident of this nature has happened to SPS students in Magnolia. While I don’t want to upset you, it is important for you to know of these incidents so we can all be mindful about keeping children in Magnolia safe. Remind your student to always be aware of their surroundings and not talk to strangers or go anywhere with them. If you are looking for guidance and tips, these

  • Principal Newsletter, 2.19.24

    Lawton Families, I hope you are all enjoying the Presidents’ Day Holiday today and have a wonderful mid-winter break this week! Arrival and Dismissal Reminders – as we return to school on Feb. 26 Morning Arrival: With later sunrises, we are excited to see more students walking to school in the morning. Safety Patrol is at the 27th and Elmore intersection from 7:40 – 7:55am to help walkers cross the street safely. Safety Patrol is staffed by our 5th grade students and either Lawton parent volunteers or Lawton staff. Please remember that when Safety Patrol is out that drivers are expected to follow and respect the directions from the adult supervisors at the intersection and obey the speed