Principal Newsletter – March 18, 2022
There was plenty to celebrate at Lawton this week! Our cherry trees are blooming, we loved having families visit for student-led tours, downstairs leprechauns caused mischief in classrooms on Thursday, and the week was filled with fun STEAM activities (including moon pies for “Pi Day”)! Looking to continue the science, tech, engineering, art, and math fun at home? Check out the frog jump activity we sent home, try to memorize The Pi Song, do the math to double your favorite recipe, or choose a science or math-themed movie to watch together. Volunteers We are looking for volunteer support for during lunch recesses. If you’re interested, please: Update/complete your volunteer application on the SPS Volunteer web page. Sign up
Principal Newsletter – March 11, 2022
This week, SPS announced masking changes that will start on Monday. Here’s a quick overview of what is/isn’t changing at Lawton and how you can help us during this transition. What is changing: Starting Monday, March 14th: Masking will be optional for staff and students in most settings, including yellow buses (masks are still required for those visiting the nurse’s office and while singing in music). Students and staff who have been exposed (close contacts) will not be required to quarantine, regardless of vaccination status. Close contacts will continue to be notified, but classroom-wide notifications will end. What is staying the same: Many layers of protection remain in place: Students showing Covid symptoms must stay home; students who
Principal Newsletter – March 4, 2022
Students and staff alike brightened our school with neon today. Monthly school spirit days are just one way we build community across the school. We also can't wait for next week when students will get to start singing again in music class. Ask your student what they most look forward to singing. Visitors and Volunteers We are excited that SPS has started allowing building visitors and volunteers. We know many of you have never seen the inside of Lawton and we want you to have a chance to do so. Student Led Open House During STEAM Week. March 14-18th is STEAM week at Lawton. In addition to fun STEAM oriented activities for each student during the day, we’ll
Principal Newsletter February 25, 2022
We hope you all had a healthy and happy break. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone back at school on Monday, February 28th. Just a short and sweet newsletter this week with reminders to help us have a safe and smooth return to school. Email lawton if your student will be absent or late. Arrive on campus between 7:40 and 7:50. Supervision starts at 7:40. Students enter the building when the bell rings at 7:50. Students should be in class by the 7:55 bell. Keep your student home if they have any Covid symptoms. Give them a home test (and send a picture to lawton) or email to request a drive-up rapid test at school. If you traveled
Principal Newsletter – February 18, 2022
February is an in-between time in each school year – celebrating the solid relationships and learning that’s already happened this year while we make plans for the year to come. Earlier this month, we hosted virtual tours for families planning to join the Lawton community in the fall and we are now in the midst of our budget and planning cycle for next year (last call to take the 5-minute school budget survey). We enjoyed celebrating Valentine’s Day this week. We hope next week’s mid-winter break gives you quality time with the ones you love. We look forward to seeing students back in class on Monday, February 28th. Health and Safety Updates Lawton Covid Update. This week (2/14
Principal Newsletter – February 11, 2022
This week is National School Counseling Week. Our school counselor, Erica Barry, provides a wide range of supports at Lawton. She serves as a liaison for families in need, provides social emotional learning instruction in our classrooms, hosts lunch bunch, and meets individually with students. Her work is a key component to Lawton’s systems of support for students and families. We are so appreciative of Ms. Barry’s support for our Lawton Dolphins and the Lawton PTA’s financial support of this position. Global Reading Challenge Winners It was a tough battle, but the Bunny Bros came out on top, with 100 points in the regular round and four correct questions in the tie-breaker round. Great work Harps A, Olive
Principal Newsletter – February 4, 2022
Today’s school spirit day is full of joyful rainbows and we are all enjoying watching our salmon continue to grow under the care and guidance of our student helpers. Many salmon in the tank are already at the alevin stage – meaning they look like tiny versions of the fish they will become. Ask your student about school this week – what is something interesting they talked about with their peers? Lawton Community School Budget Survey Lawton Elementary has started our annual budgeting processes for the coming year. We want your input! Please take the 5-minute school budget survey linked here before February 19th. This survey is intended to collect community input and priorities that should be considered
Principal Newsletter – January 28, 2022
Lawton staff and students will join with teachers and students from across the nation to participate in Black Lives Matter at School Week. This is an educator-generated week of action and commitment to ensuring students thrive in welcoming environments. Lessons aim to help students understand inequities based on race and promote the belief that every person has a responsibility to work for equity as a core idea. At their board meeting on Wednesday, January 26, 2022, the Seattle School Board adopted a resolution encouraging district-wide participation in the Black Lives Matter At School Week from January 31 – February 4. The Lawton Student Union will be sharing a lesson on Friday, February 4th, with all classrooms about Jackie
Principal Newsletter – January 21, 2022
In the midst of so much health and safety information and focus, it’s fun to watch the “normal” work of learning and growing continue here at school. Our librarian, Ms. Gallegos, has kicked off one of our favorite Lawton traditions – the Global Reading Challenge. 4th and 5th graders are reading books and preparing for the challenge itself which will happen later this winter. Our Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd graders are doing their annual winter reading assessments – this provides teachers an opportunity to celebrate progress and identify next steps for all students. Ask your student about what they are learning and doing this week! Seeking Safety Patrol Parent Volunteer We are so thankful to Amanda Armes for
Principal Newsletter – January 14, 2022
Coping with Covid this week required lots of teamwork. I am so appreciative of the way our team of fabulous staff and students and families is coming together in the face of new challenges. Ms. Gallegos and Ms. Barry both taught in classrooms when colleagues were out sick – braving everything from fractions and fossils to five-year-olds with glue sticks. Mr. Peters facilitated double classes during PE, protecting planning time for our classroom teachers. Our students showed new levels of flexibility and adaptability with the schedule and staffing changes. Parents kept teachers and our front office in the loop on attendance and health issues, which helps everything run just a little smoother. It took all of us working