Parent Newsletter – March 17, 2023

There was plenty to celebrate at Lawton this week – a bit more daylight, third graders performing at Benaroya hall, students rollerblading in the gym, leprechauns causing mischief in downstairs classrooms, and heaps of fun STEAM activities, culminating in our fun and interactive assembly and class visits from the Pacific Science Center!

I want to thank all the families and Lawton staff who helped us make our 1st ever Pi Night such a fun and tasty evening! It was so wonderful to see students playing games with each other and with families, and we appreciate all the delicious pies that were contributed!

Looking to continue the science, tech, engineering, art, and math fun at home? Try to memorize The Pi Song, do the math to double your favorite recipe, or choose a science or math-themed movie to watch together. When talking with kids about math, asking “How do you know that?” can give you great insight into how they think and learn.

Upcoming Events

3/28 3rd Grade Music Concert

4/7 Spirit Day: Dress like a literary character

4/10-4/14 NO SCHOOL – Spring Break