Class and individual school pictures are happening Thursday and Friday. All students will be photographed for school files and the yearbook, regardless of whether families choose to order photos. You can find your specific class schedule below. To request a school photo scholarship, email

Preorder photos here: The link closes on Sunday, September 25th. You may choose to wait and see your student’s photo in the online gallery after picture day before ordering, but Packages A-F are available as pre-orders only

Photo suggestions. Solid colors in medium to dark tones photograph well. Avoid Green, all white, pastel, neon and busy prints-they draw attention away from the subject. The photographer works hard to avoid glare from glasses, but some glasses are particularly challenging. Consider removing glasses that do not have anti-glare coating as well as those with sapphire coating (reflects blue/purple) or transition lenses (they photograph like sunglasses in many cases). 

Schedule. You can find your specific class schedule below. Times are approximate.

Thursday, September 22nd

Dominguez (8:00)

McDonagh (8:30)

Lundgren (9:00)

Hafzalla (9:30)

Wyman (10:00)

Bakker (12:30)

Swartzman (1:10)

Soccorsy (1:40)

Friday, September 23rd

Michalsen (8:00)

Polik (8:30)

Conner (9:00)

Leache (9:30)

Wong (10:00)

Noel (12:30)

French (1:10)

Retakes. We will schedule a picture retake day in November for students who miss our September photo day.