• Your plans for next year (K – 4th grade families only). Please complete THIS ONLINE FORM by May 6th to let us know if you are returning to Lawton next year.

Having a good idea of our enrollment numbers helps us when building classes and assigning staff to grade levels. You are welcome to provide feedback on your student’s strengths, challenges, and learning style. We consider many factors when building balanced classrooms. While we do not take teacher requests, we value your expertise about your student. Great care and consideration is given to each child’s placement, whether you submit input or not. However, the information you provide helps us build balanced classrooms that maximize learning and success for all students.

  • Your opinion on a student supply fee for next year. Lawton’s Building Leadership Team (BLT) is considering moving to a supply fee rather than individually purchased supplies. Please register your opinion on this change HERE.

Currently, we ask families to purchase supplies or use Yubbler to purchase kits through PTA link (supply prices range from $35 – $70 per grade level). We’ve reviewed our supply lists for all grade levels and found that we could bulk order supplies for all students for a $35 fee (paid on SchoolPay at the start of the year). Teachers have expressed a preference for having matching supplies and avoiding the start of school chaos of all students trying to bring their supplies to class. 

Childcare. We know families are doing some next year planning of their own for after school care. Below are some places that have traditionally served Lawton students:

  • Lawton Boys & Girls Club (on site) 206-282-4361
  • North Queen Anne Child Care 206-281-2919*
  • Hilltop Children’s Center 206-283-3100*
  • Kaleidoscope 206-930-6321*
  • Tun O Fun (Magnolia Community Center) 206-386-4235*

*Locations historically served with bus service. This is not a guarantee of future service.