Lawton Families,

This week we welcome the start of spring on Thursday, and Trimester 2 of the school year will end on Wednesday.  Teachers will then enter data into the Elementary Progress Report on the Source and families will be able to see the progress reports on the Source on or before Spring Break.

We Love Our Lawton PTA!

Last week we had our annual celebration of “Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math” (STEAM) and it was both an exciting and an enlightening week of learning at Lawton.  I loved seeing students sharing their creative cardboard challenge items with their peers, as well as playing fun math games, combining geometry and art, and learning about Space with the Pacific Science Center Community Educators.  On behalf of our Lawton teachers and students, I want to thank the PTA for providing the funding and volunteers for our students to experience an assembly, class workshops and an Exhibit space with the PSC for us again this year!  We appreciate that our families provide funds through the PTA for academic enrichment, family events and community building, and classroom/school resources that make Lawton so special!   

… And speaking of the PTA and budgets… March is the time when both schools and PTAs develop budgets for the next school year, and the Lawton PTA is holding their annual General Membership meeting here at Lawton tomorrow evening (3/18) from 6-7pm.  They will discuss their plans for next year, including the PTA budget, event ideas, open PTA Board positions, and volunteer opportunities, so please join them!

Lost and Found

We are donating lost and found the Friday before Spring Break – please check it if your child is missing clothes, water bottles, books, lunchboxes or other items!

4th Grade Community Service

Thank you for donating your used sneakers to the Lawton 4th grade recycle campaign.  We collected 45 pairs of used sneakers in February with a total of 580 pairs this school year.  Our goal is to hit 1,000 pairs by the end of the school year!  Please continue to bring in sneakers and deposit them in the blue bin at the school entrance.

Upcoming Events

3/18 – PTA General Membership Meeting, Lawton Library, 6pm

3/25 – Principal Coffee, Lawton Commons, 8am

4/4 – School Spirit Day: Dress Like a Literary Character!

4/10 – Music Performances, Lawton Commons:  Grade 1 at 5:30pm, Grade 2 at 6:30pm

4/14 – 4/18 Spring Break, No School!