Lawton Families!

After a classic PNW Labor Day weekend, we hope your first through fifth grade students are ready to start school on Wednesday, Sept. 4!  Please note that this is a full school day, with no Early Release. Our Kindergarten families will meet with their teachers next week, and then we’re excited to welcome all 65 new Kindergarten students on Monday, Sept. 9!

New staff, staffing updates 

Academic Intervention Specialists – Over the summer we have hired Hannah Hansen, former 3rd grade teacher at John Hay, as an AIS.  She will work with small groups of students to strengthen literacy and math skills at all grade levels this year.  Hannah joins Audra Gallegos, our School Librarian, who also provides academic support to students in grades K-3 for part of her day at Lawton.

Speech and OT Therapists – We are excited to have our SLP Hannah Bowley back at Lawton, and we have recently added Occupational Therapist Angie Hanna to our IEP service team as well!

Open positions

  1. Hourly Playground and Lunch Supervisors: The Lawton PTA funds 2 paid mid-day (9:40am –12:40pm) positions, and the school funds a 3rd position.  We are actively seeking individuals from our community to join our staff and help support student play and growth at lunch and recess.  The minimum commitment is a consistent 1 day/week (3 hours) – but it is also possible to work all 5 days (15 hours/week).  Reach out to our Jessica Luke (Admin. Secretary) in the Main Office or at: if interested and for more info!

  1. Multi-Language Learner staff:  Our MLL teacher, Barbara Dannenbring, has retired over the summer, so we are in the process of hiring a new MLL teacher.  We are also excited to hear that we will be getting an MLL IA from SPS to help support our MLL students!

  1. Extended Resource Teacher:  We are still in the process of hiring a replacement for Heather Cartner, so we will start the year with a sub in this position.

Walk to school and no Safety Patrol the first day 

Just a reminder to look at the school arrival and pick up info that was in your student’s Teacher Welcome email last week.  We hope families will park and walk, and please be aware that the Safety Patrol program is not up and running the first week of school.

First Day Packets 

Your child will bring home a manila folder with many important forms and flyers the first day of school.  Please read through each sheet and return all forms printed on colored paper to school by 9/6 (or 9/13 for Kindergarten).  Forms printed on white paper stay home.


We are so grateful for our amazing Lawton PTA, who support us with everything from Room Parents, Safety Patrol, Art Docents and fun events during & after school, to staff support and school spirit throughout the year.  Info about After School Enrichment will be coming from them in the next weeks (fall after school classes typical start in Oct.).  Please look for their flyers in the First Day Packet, join the PTA, volunteer & attend their events, and sign up for the PTA Newsletter:

Upcoming Events

9/13 PTA Kindergarten Popsicle Party

9/25 & 9/27 School Picture Days

9/26 Lawton School Open House, 4:30 – 5:30pm, followed by PTA Back to School Bash, from 5pm – 7pm