April is National Literacy Month and at Lawton our staff and students have been highlighting books and poetry in lots of fun ways – from a book character scavenger hunt around the school, our dress like your favorite character day, to our wonderful “caught reading” photo bulletin board.

Adding to this theme, next week we celebrate National Library Week. We are so grateful to have Audra Gallegos as our Lawton librarian at Lawton! She is dedicated to keeping our collection fresh and relevant for students, teaching research and inquiry skills, and developing our students’ love of reading.

Your plans for next year (K – 4th grade families only)

It’s the time of year when we are planning for the year ahead. Please complete the green form coming home with your student today and return it to the office by May 1st to let us know if you are returning to Lawton next year.

Having accurate enrollment numbers helps us when building classes and assigning staff to grade levels. You can also use the form to provide feedback on your student’s strengths, challenges, and learning style.

Spring Concert Changes (K-2 only)

We’re changing the way we’re sharing music with families this year – moving away from lots of rehearsals for polished performance events and toward sharing the joy of the learning itself. We’re focusing on the process more than the results.

Rather than grade-level concert events for K-2 students this spring, we’ll be sharing pictures and videos of music learning-in-action. If we need a FERPA waiver from your family for this work, you received an email from Kristina.

BLT Parent Representatives

We will have two open spots for parent representatives on our Building Leadership Team (BLT) next fall. The Lawton BLT serves as one of the governing bodies of Lawton, working to advance school goals for academic achievement, make budget and financial stewardship recommendations, and guide professional development for our staff. If you are interested in joining the BLT, please provide a short-written description of your interest in and qualifications to kmcerise by Friday, May 5th. The Lawton BLT will review the submissions against membership needs.

PTA Updates

LAST CALL: Yearbook Order Deadline is today. Order your yearbooks here. Click here for more information about the ordering process.

Family Movie Night (WALL-E) on April 28th. Please join the Lawton PTA for a family movie night on Friday, April 28th. Doors open at 5:30pm. Show starts at 6pm. Food truck will be on site. Students must be supervised by parents; this is not a drop-off event. Sign up to help.

Volunteers Needed for Move-a-Thon on Friday, May 12! The PTA’s annual Move-a-Thon is a festive, supportive opportunity for our kids to run, walk, skip, and dance around the upper field until the music stops. It’s a fun-filled event with lots of parent involvement, and a big accomplishment for our kiddos. We need lots of parent helpers to help set up in the morning, track laps, run with the kids and otherwise encourage our movers to keep on keeping on. This is a high-reward, quick and easy outdoor volunteer opportunity! Sign up here.


  • 8:00 – 8:45 // 4th grade
  • 8:50 – 9:35 // 5th grade
  • 9:40 – 10:25 // 1st grade
  • 10:35 – 11:20 // Kindergarten
  • 12:30 – 1:15 // 2nd grade
  • 1:20 – 2:05 // 3rd grade

Monday Volunteer Support Needed. PTA needs a parent to be on site during after school programs on Mondays (2:15-4:15pm) until June 20. Please email afterschoolprograms if you can help. The PTA can offer free tuition to your student if they are participating in an enrichment class on Monday and you are available to help on a weekly basis.

Upcoming Events

4/21 Last day to order a yearbook

4/24 Second Trimester Report Cards Available on The Source

4/25 5th Grade Music Concert

4/28 Family Movie Night 5:30pm

5/3 Bike/Walk to School Day

5/6 LGBTQ+ Family Gathering 4-7pm at Meany Middle School

5/9 Nutty Squirrel Taco Tuesday

5/12 Move-A-Thon **Send your student to school with a water bottle**