We’re back to our routine of sending Principal Newsletters on Friday mornings. This time of year, it’s a lot of logistics and reminders to help us make the start of school smooth for students and families. We promise there will be more fun information to share once students are back in the building.

Teacher Training and Treats. We are excited to welcome teachers back to school on Tuesday. Want to brighten their days with some treats? Sign up here.

Transportation. SPS anticipates driver shortages that will result in some school bus routes not running this year. The transportation department has not notified families or schools which routes will/won’t have service, so we don’t yet know how this will affect Lawton families. To help reduce stress and scrambling, we encourage you to start making carpool plans with friends and neighbors.

School Meal Changes for the 2022-23 School Year. SPS is returning to charging for school meals. The new prices are $2.25 for elementary breakfast and $3.25 for elementary lunch. The application to receive free or reduced meal prices is available online or you can request a paper copy from the front office.

PTA Water Bottle Fundraiser. Want a Lawton logo water bottle? They are available for purchase here: https://www.customink.com/fundraising/lawton-elementary-back-to-school.

Content from last week’s newsletter is included below for those who missed it or want reminders.

  • Enrollment Updates. If your plans have changed and your student will not be attending Lawton this year, please email kmcerise to let us know so that we can update our enrollment information.
  • Teacher Assignments Coming 9/2. Teachers return the building on Tuesday, August 30th. Teacher assignments will be emailed to families by the end of day Friday, September 2nd.
  • Medication Paperwork Due 9/6. If your student requires medications at school (this includes inhalers and epi-pens for emergencies), you must fill out a Medication Authorization Form, have it signed by a doctor, and bring both the form and medications to school on or before Tuesday, September 6th.
  • School Supply Fee. We’re doing school supplies differently this year – all students will have supplies ready and waiting for them on the first day of school. In lieu of purchasing individual supplies, we will send instructions home in the first day packets for paying the $35 supply fee through The Source. If paying the school supply fee is a financial burden for your family, please email Kristina Cerise at kmcerise. and she’ll arrange a scholarship/waiver.
  • Free and Reduced Lunch Applications. We encourage all eligible families to submit a new application for free and reduced-price meals now. The application is available online or you can request a paper copy from the front office.
  • Health and Safety. The start of any school year comes with exposure to new germs. Please help us keep our students and staff as healthy as possible by keeping kids home any time they are sick. Students must be fever and vomit/diarrhea free for an entire 24 hours without medication before returning to school. Students should also stay home with any new Covid symptoms (see flow chart).
  • Volunteering. If you’re interested in volunteering at Lawton this year, please start (or update) your volunteer approvals HERE.
  • September Dates. A full-year calendar will be included in your first day packet, but here are important September dates to mark on your calendar now:

9/2 New to Lawton Student Tour at 9am

9/7 First Day of School (Grades 1-5), no early release

9/12 First Day of School (Kindergarten)

9/16 Back to School Bash 5-7pm

9/20 Curriculum Night, 5:30 – 6:30

9/22, 9/23 School Picture Days