Lawton Families,

Wow – can’t believe we’re already at the mid-year mark in the school year – it’s been a great year at Lawton so far!

School Budget Survey

This is the time of year that our Building Leadership Team begins to plan for our programs, enrollment, staffing and budget for next year, and we aim to be responsive to the needs of our students with the precious resources we have available to us. With this in mind, I would love to hear from you, the Lawton community, about your priorities, suggestions, and ideas for what programs and services to fund next year in this brief survey that I will share with our BLT at our February 5 meeting. Thank you!

And now a word from our School Counselor, Erica Barry…

Happy January! Some quick updates from Ms. Barry’s counselor corner ????

Classroom Lessons

Our classroom lessons on Kelso’s Choice (problem solving), Personal Safety and Bullying are ongoing in grades K-5! Students are practicing their conflict resolution skills, learning safety rules and exploring strategies to navigate tricky social situations. Our next round of lessons in March will be focused on College and Career, in preparation for College and Career week in April and our Career Exploration Night on 4/23 (see below for more info). In these lessons, students will explore jobs in the community, share about jobs in their families, talk about “dream jobs”, identify strengths and skills, and research jobs of interest. This is a great time to be talking to your children about the jobs you do and keeping conversations about jobs, college, and career paths open.

Morning Tips for Getting to School

We’ve been getting increasing reports from parents about struggles to get students to school in the morning, from tears and fatigue to general school resistance. If you’re having a hard time getting out of the house on time in the morning, know you’re not alone! (And these dark winter mornings certainly don’t help!) Here are a couple of articles with tips to help make mornings more smooth, as well as advice for school resistance and refusal.

Career Exploration Night

On April 23rd, Lawton will host its second annual Career Exploration Night. This is an open-house all-school event for families in which parents and family members in our school community have the opportunity to showcase their jobs to our Lawton students! We had great turnout last year and learned so much about our Lawton families. If you are interested in having a booth/ table at our Career Night this year, we would LOVE to have you! We provide the space, and you come with yourself and any information/props/visuals you might want to share about your job. We are looking for a diverse range of jobs from across the career spectrum for our students to learn about. Please reach out for more info or complete the survey HERE. Thanks!

As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns you might have about your child. You can find more information about the Lawton school counseling program on the school website HERE. I look forward to connecting with you! ???? -Ms. Barry

Upcoming Events:

1/30 – Incoming families school tour (evening), 5:30pm

2/1 – Incoming families school tour (day), 9:00am

2/2 – Spirit Day: Rainbow!