It was wonderful to welcome students back to school on Tuesday. We also welcomed our salmon eggs to the tank this week where we will get to watch them grow and change. We hope 2023 is off to a great start for your family and will be filled with curiosity, learning, and joy.

We have exciting things happening at Lawton in January:

  • 3rd – 5th Grade Bike Unit. Lots of riding and skill growth happening on the field this week. Thank you, Mr. Peters, for making this happen!
  • Secret Garden Book Fair January 17th – 20th. See detailed blurb below with hours and volunteer needs.
  • 4th Grade Music Concert January 24th. This year we’re moving our music events from perform-ance to inform-ance emphasis. This gives students a chance to invite others into their learning, showcase their growth, and take on a teaching role for the audience.
  • Instrumental Music Program Resuming. We’re thrilled to announce that SPS hired Zach Matthews to join the Lawton team and kicking off our instrument music program at the end of the month. 5th grade families will be receiving more information about how to enroll their students.

Tell Us Events and Times That Work Best for Your Family

We want to plan events that are meaningful to families and at times that work for your schedules. Please help us by taking this short survey about the types of events you’re interested in and days/times that work best for you:

Details for Book Fair January 17 – 20th

Book fairs raise money for the library and build excitement around reading. 2nd-5th grade students will be able to visit the fair at lunch recess; all students may visit with caregivers before and after school. It will also be open before and during Bingo Night!

The fair accepts cash, credit cards, and checks made out to Secret Garden. If you would like to send a check with your student, please make it out to the Secret Garden for the max amount your student may spend. We can make cash change from the till.

We rely on volunteer help to run our fair. Please sign-up here.

Fair Hours (open to open to families and caregivers outside of school hours):

  • Tuesday 7:30-8, Lunch recess (10:50-12:30), after school until 3:00
  • Wednesday 7:30-8, Lunch recess (10:50-12:30), after school until 2:00
  • Thursday 7:30-8, Lunch recess (10:50-12:30), after school until 3:00, evening event 5:00-7:30
  • Friday 7:30-8, Lunch recess (10:50-12:30), closed after school

PTA Updates

Monday and Thursday Volunteer Support Needed. The winter session of the After School Enrichment program starts next week. As part of our partnership with 6Crickets, we are required to have parent volunteers at Lawton during the program. We need volunteers for Mondays (2:15-4:15pm) and Thursdays (2:15-3:45pm) from January 9 to April 6 . Please email afterschoolprograms if you can help with one or both of these days. The PTA can offer free tuition to your student if they are participating in an enrichment class on Monday or Thursday and you are available to help on a weekly basis.

Our first Nutty Squirrel Taco Tuesday of 2023 is January 10th from 3-7pm. Our special guests, Ms. Hafzalla and Ms. Bowley, will be greeting students from 3-4pm. Stop by, say hi, grab a scoop, and support our PTA!

Upcoming Events

1/10 Elementary Progress Reports available to families to view in the Source

1/16 NO SCHOOL, MLK Holiday

1/17 – 1/20 Secret Garden Book Fair

1/19 BINGO Night at 6pm

1/24 4th Grade Music Concert @ 5:30

1/26 McClure Middle School Open House for 6th Grade Families 6-7pm