It was so wonderful to welcome students back to school on Tuesday. This week 4th and 5th graders spent time in clubs learning more about their own interests and building connections across classrooms. Ask any 4th or 5th grade teacher or student about their clubs and how they help support student leadership at Lawton!

We hope 2022 is off to a great start for your family and will be filled with curiosity, learning, and joy.

Dress Warm and Label Your Layers

Please make sure your student is dressed to comfortably play outside every day. Remember to label all coats and outerwear with your student’s name. We donated lots of unmarked items before break. Our goal is to return items to their owners, but we can only do that if they are labeled.


Lawton’s Building Leadership Team (BLT) is looking for a parent rep. Lawton’s BLT facilitates collaborative site-based decision making and, together with the principal, oversees development of the school budget. Lawton’s BLT meets monthly (generally from 3-4pm on the second Monday of each month). If you’re interested in serving, please email andeno.

Health and Safety Updates

Lawton Covid Update. This week (1/3 – 1/7), Lawton sent zero classroom COVID notifications. Any Covid-positive students we’ve been notified about were confirmed positive before our return to school on January 4th and were not on campus during their contagious period.

Mask Reminder. Please ensure your student wears a well-fitting mask to school each day. A well-fitting mask covers their mouth and nose completely. We appreciate each student having a spare mask or two in their backpack for when masks get wet or soiled.

PTA Updates

Budget survey. The Lawton Elementary School PTA is looking for feedback on funding priorities for the 2022-23 school year. We need your input. The survey is only four questions and is due on Thursday January 13th. Please click on this link:

Lawton Takeout. Taco Tuesday is back with Plaza Garibaldi, a Lawton family-owned restaurant! Pre-order a chicken or veggie taco bar by 2pm on Tuesday, June 11th for pickup at Lawton at 6pm. Click here to order today!

Check the Fence. When you drop by Lawton, be sure to check the fences for PTA news.

Upcoming Events

January 7 – Spirt Day (Pajamas)

January 11 – Lawton Takeout dinner with Plaza Garibaldi

January 13 – PTA Budget Survey Due

January 17 – NO SCHOOL, MLK Holiday

January 23 – Lawton Takeout dinner with Baked in Bosnia