From: Dr Deno
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 9:01 AM
Subject: Principal Newsletter – June 4, 2021
We know many in our community have been waiting for details about a service to honor the life and memory of Ms. Ulmer. There will be a remote laying in service on Friday, June 11th – please email for link.
It was Lily’s wish to use a composting service to return her body to the nature she loved so dearly. You can find out more information about the process and what to expect by visiting:
The waiting room will open 15 minutes before the ceremony which will include opening information about the service, a candle lighting ceremony for those who wish to light a candle at home, a slideshow, the laying-in of Lily’s body as it begins its final return to earth, and a final poem. The family anticipates having an in-person celebratory gathering for Lily in August and will try to get the word out to all who are interested in attending once more information is available.
As we enter the final weeks of school, we need your help with a few key things:
- Finishing the year strong and safe
- Returning items loaned to students
- Celebrating students for all their work and flexibility this year
Finishing Strong
The sun is out, and the end is in sight. Please help us finish the year strong by:
- Completing your daily health attestation by 7am
- Remembering to email if your student will be absent
- Traveling carefully to and from school.
In addition to needing cars and drivers to be slow and careful near the school, we also need those walking and biking to school to travel safe and slow and be mindful of pedestrians. We’ve had some close calls lately with fast bikers and want to make sure all our students stay safe as they come and go to school.
Returning Items
All items can be returned to the bin outside the front doors or to classroom teachers. We’d like to have the following back as soon as possible.
- Learning Kits. The counting items, base 10 blocks, unifix cubes and other tangibles that went home in a Ziplock bag at the start of the year.
- Textbooks. We don’t need your paperback workbooks but we do need you to return any hard-cover math or social studies books.
- Instruments. Keep your recorders if you have them, but please return all other PTA-provided instruments this year so they can be cleaned and ready for fall:
- Kindergarten: plastic egg
- 1st grade: green rhythm sticks
- 2nd grade: small plastic maraca
- 3rd – 5th Grade: wooden drumsticks
Three easy steps to return your student’s device to Lawton:
Step 1: Complete BLUE form we’ll send home on Friday, June 11th
Step 2: Gather device and all accessories to return
Step 3: Bring device and accessories to school on your assigned date:
- June 16th: Remote students return devices 9am –Noon*
- June 17th: Hybrid students return devices at arrival*
*If you are unable to make assigned time, please pre-arrange alternative date with front office.
Celebrations and Events
Lawton Student Union Art Project
The Lawton Student Union (LSU) is a social justice club for fourth and fifth grade students. The students created the logo and motto, Lawton Stands United. The club members worked together to make and assemble a bookmark, logo sticker, and braid instructions for each Lawton student to enjoy and color. Your students will be taking these items home today to share with their family and friends.
Super Recess June 7-11
In place of field day, in person students will participate in a super recess station each day next week. Make sure to wear comfy clothes and shoes! Remote students will have a scavenger hunt on Seesaw starting Monday, June 7th. Submit completed hunt to Ms. Volk to be entered into a drawing for a PE t-shirt!
5th Grade Drive-Thru Promotion – June 10th @ 5:30pm
We will be celebrating our 5th graders with a drive-thru promotion on June 10th. Students and their families should drive through the bus lane between 5:30 and 6:30pm to receive their promotion certificates. Details on attached flyer.
PTA Meeting with Dr. Keisha Scarlett Monday, June 14th at 6pm
Mark your calendar! The Lawton PTA General Meeting with guest speaker Dr. Keisha Scarlett, Chief Academic Officer for Seattle Public Schools , is Monday, June 14th at 6pm. Dr. Scarlett will share updates on fall 2021 planning and answer YOUR questions. Click here to join the meeting
Key Dates
June 7 – Super Recess Week – wear comfy clothes and shoes
June 10 – 5th Grade Promotion @ 5:30pm (drive-thru event)
June 11 – Laying in service for Ms. Ulmer at 3pm (
June 14 – PTA Meeting with Dr. Keisha Scarlett at 6pm (Click here to join the meeting)
June 16 – Device return for remote students (9am to Noon)
June 17 – Device return for hybrid students (at arrival)
June 18 – Last Day of School (1 hour early release for PM cohort per SPS guidelines)