Spring is here! Along with longer daylight in the evening and the cherry trees blooming at Lawton, students this week had the opportunity to participate in the traditional Pacer Test in PE. During the Pacer Test students run back and forth between 2 points trying to increase their pace with each line run. Ask your student about their experience with the Pacer Test this week.

Health Updates from Nurse Somi

Allergies and inhalers. If your student needs an inhaler or has developed allergies since you last updated our school records, please email Nurse Somi so that we have the forms and current information on file. It’s helpful if daily allergy meds are managed and administered at home.

Staying home when sick. A friendly reminder that sick students need to stay home, even if they test negative for Covid. We’re seeing the spread of stomach bugs and head colds. Before returning to school, students need to have improved symptoms, enough energy to learn for a day, and be fever free for a full 24 hours.

Screenshots/photos of negative tests required. All students with two or more Covid symptoms, or any one symptom lasting more than 24 hours, need to send proof of a negative Covid test to lawton. Please remember to take and email a photo pf your test results. If you need testing kits, Lawton has some for you.

Covid update. We sent one Covid classroom notification this week. SPS is continuing to update their dashboard (though there is sometimes a lag) – which you can check HERE.

PTA News

Lawton Spirit Wear on Sale Now. This is the last chance to get your Lawton gear before the end of the school year. On sale now until April 10. Kids and adult sizes available in short and long sleeve tees and hooded sweatshirts. Visit Spirit Wear – Lawton Elementary (lawtonpta.org) to purchase.

Upcoming Events

April 1 – Literary Character School Spirit Day

April 5 – Lawton Takeout: Save the Date Damoori Kitchen (already taking orders!)

April 6 – Wear your Lawton Spirit Gear

April 11 – 15 – No School, Spring Break