Spring is a time of renewal and hope; the sun comes out and we can feel the possibilities. I’ve appreciated watching possibilities become projects in the past few weeks. It’s inspiring.

Ms. Jessica, our COVID support and lunch/playground supervisor, noticed the reader board was fuzzy and green in places it shouldn’t be and the next thing we knew she was scrubbing it clean and trimming the branches that were making it hard to read.

A Lawton student leader brainstormed the possibility of a movie night and now, with the help of our PTA, plans are moving forward for a community event on April 28th.

This is how the magic happens. People see a need and we work together as a community to meet it. Thank you for being part of our team!


  • Caught Reading Photos. We will be celebrating literacy in April and would love your help with our “Caught Reading” hallway display. Please email photos of your student(s) reading to kmcerise.
  • Tissues and Wipes. Our classrooms are burning through spring allergy and spring-cleaning supplies. If you have Kleenex or wipes to donate, we’d love to have them!

Is it time to update your volunteer paperwork?

We have lots of spring and end-of-the-year volunteer needs (e.g., move-a-thon, field trips, field day). Please take time today to make sure your volunteer approvals are up to date. lawton to check.

PTA Updates

Registration for Spring After-School Enrichment (ASE) Program Closes April 2nd. The Spring session runs Monday, April 17th through Friday, June 23rd. At last check there was room left in:

  • Run Like the Wind
  • Spanish
  • Creative Rhythm Dance

Check out the Lawton ASE portal to see the schedule, class descriptions, and fees. Spaces are limited and will be available first come, first serve.

Spring Spirit Wear is here! Show your Lawton pride by ordering between now and April 16. Order HERE.

Upcoming Events

4/2 After School Enrichment Registration Ends

4/7 Spirit Day: Dress like a literary character

4/10-4/14 NO SCHOOL – Spring Break

4/16 Last day to order Spirit Wear

4/20 Midnite Ramen & Figurehead Brewery Fundraiser Dinner

4/22 Earth Day

4/24 Second Trimester Report Cards Available on The Source

5/3 Walk/Bike to School Day (track your May walk/bike commutes HERE)

5/9 Nutty Squirrel Taco Tuesday