Students and staff alike brightened our school with neon today. Monthly school spirit days are just one way we build community across the school. We also can’t wait for next week when students will get to start singing again in music class. Ask your student what they most look forward to singing.

Visitors and Volunteers

We are excited that SPS has started allowing building visitors and volunteers. We know many of you have never seen the inside of Lawton and we want you to have a chance to do so.

Student Led Open House During STEAM Week. March 14-18th is STEAM week at Lawton. In addition to fun STEAM oriented activities for each student during the day, we’ll be offering afternoon open houses from 2:30 – 3pm on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. This is a chance for students to show their adults all the places where they learn at Lawton each day. If you’d like to attend, please:

  1. Sign up here for a day and time;
  2. Come to the Lawton main entrance at 2:30pm on your selected day; and
  3. Be prepared to show proof of vaccination or a negative covid test for entry.

Volunteers. We are excited to welcome volunteers back to Lawton. With social distancing requirements still in place, we aren’t having volunteers in classrooms yet, but we do have several roles we’d love parent support for during lunch recesses.

If you’re interested in volunteering at Lawton, please:

  1. Update/complete your volunteer application on the SPS Volunteer web pages.
  2. Sign up for a volunteer role here.

Talking with Students About War

Many in our community are impacted by the violence currently taking place in Ukraine. This is a complex topic to process, especially for our youngest learners. Our school counselor is available to connect with students who may want to process these events. Students can contact her directly in the front office and parents can email her at esbarry Please also consider the following resources when talking to your students about crisis and these current events:

Social Emotional Skills Learning Update:

Every six weeks, our counselor Erica Barry rotates through all Lawton classrooms teaching a social emotional learning lesson. Read below to learn more about lessons by grade level for the latest cycle:

K-3: In Kindergarten – 3rd grade classrooms, lessons included information about safety skills, keeping self and others safe as well as discussion about common safety rules (never play with fire, always buckle up when riding in a car, etc.), reporting unsafe situations, and responding if others are encouraging unsafe behavior.

This year, all students K-3 will receive safety lessons from the Second Step Child Protection Unit. Through this six lesson sequence, students will learn and practice important safety skills such as, identifying common safety rules (the “Never-Never Rules”), understanding safe vs. unsafe/unwanted touch, and how to recognize, refuse and report unsafe behaviors. If you have questions or would like more information about the safety lessons, please feel free to reach out to our school counselor at esbarry

4-5 Grade: Students learned about the concept of consent in everyday situations and being respectful of boundaries. They engaged in discussions about how asking permission or consent is important in many situations (such as hugging others, borrowing items, posting or sharing pictures of someone, or obtaining personal information) and how to deal with disappointment when you ask for permission or consent and someone says “no.”

Health and Safety

Lawton Covid Update. This week (2/28 – 3/4), Lawton sent 0 classroom COVID notifications.

PTA News

Lawton Takeout: Tuesday March 8th

BBQ night hosted by It’s All Good Catering & Pecado Bueno! 20% of your purchase goes to Lawton! Pick up time 5:30-6:30 PM on 3/8 at Lawton Elementary School.


  • BBQ Chicken, Pork or Tofu Sliders, Mac and Cheese, Coleslaw and Chips $16.00
  • Children’s BBQ Chicken Sliders, Mac and Cheese, Coleslaw and Chips $12.00
  • Brownie 4 pack $6.00
  • Kids Lemonade Jug (serves 4) $12.00

Order online by 3/6 and pay in advance:

  • Order your meals, drinks and dessert – add to BAG
  • Click on Bag & Ready to Check Out
  • Select PICK UP ORDER (you will pick up at the school on 3/8/22 between 5:30-6:30pm)
  • Select the Date 3/8/22 and a time between 5:30-6:30 pm
  • Put in your Guest Count, Name and Cell Number
  • Select Pick Up School Fundraiser
  • Proceed to Pay
  • We will send you a secure payment link and a receipt. You must pre-pay to complete your order

Upcoming Events

March 8 – PTA BBQ Takeout

March 14, 15, 17 & 18 – Lawton Open House 2:30pm

April 1 – Literary Character School Spirit Day