From: Allison Deno

Sent: Friday, May 14, 2021 9:01 AM

Subject: Principal Newsletter – May 14, 2021

As we approach the end of the school year, we want to acknowledge staff members for whom June marks more than just the end of another school year. Susan Krizanc and Gayle Adler are retiring this year after dedicated and passionate service to Lawton students. Kelsey Fatland is taking a sabbatical next year to attend to matters with her extended family. Maria Volk has accepted a job at Coe Elementary. Due to decreased enrollment numbers, Abby Kinder and Bri Veleber have been displaced from Lawton but will still have jobs with Seattle Public Schools. Jasmine Lewis’ assistant principal position was eliminated. We are sad that we won’t be seeing these faces in our hallways each day next year and wish them nothing but the best as they pursue their personal and professional goals.

We are excited to announce that Heather Cartner, who started at Lawton as an Instructional Assistant and is currently completing her student teaching, will be taking Susan Krizanc’s position as Lawton’s Access Teacher next school year.

We expect some different grade level configurations based on what we know about enrollment numbers at this time. As always, things may change between now and September, but this is our plan:

  • 3 Kindergarten: Lundgren, McDonagh, Thompson
  • 3 First Grade: Cail, Conner, Matzner
  • 2 Second Grade: Bakker, Noel
  • 2/3 Split: Wyman
  • 2 Third Grade: Misner, Wong
  • 2 Fourth Grade: Hafzalla, Leache
  • 2 Fifth Grade: Soccorsy, Swartzman

Seeking Parent Representative for Building Leadership Team (BLT)

We are seeking a parent representative to serve on our Building Leadership Team (BLT) for the 2021-22 school year. BLT meets monthly as one of the governing bodies of Lawton – working to advance school academic goals, guide stewardship of discretionary funds, facilitate professional development for Lawton staff, ensure educational excellence, and nurture an inclusive and supportive school community.

If you are interested in joining the BLT, please email a short-written description of your interest in and qualifications to andeno by Friday, May 28th. The BLT will review the submissions against membership needs.

Spirit Wear Orders – LAST CALL

Today is the last day to purchase spirit wear. T-shirts and sweatshirts are available in youth and adult sizes. Orders can be placed carriebruno77.

Seattle Public Schools Special Education Community Forums

Families are invited to share their experiences with Special Education department leadership and staff. Click on the linked title of the event you wish to attend at the time the meeting is scheduled.

Key Dates

May 14 – Email a picture of your completed BINGO BOARD to receive your Finisher Certificate!

May 16 – PTA sponsored photo day. Click here to learn more. PTA sponsored Barre Class Fundraiser at 4pm. Register HERE by Friday, May 14th.

May 19 – Lawton Outdoor Library 11am – 1pm

May 31 – NO SCHOOL: Memorial Day

June 4 – Spirit Day (Tropical Getaway)