Partnerships among Lawton, our families, and greater Magnolia add to our overall sense belonging and community. In some instances, students are the recipients of community gifts – the grandma who visited Ms. McDonagh’s class to read aloud this week, the 5th grade camp scholarships provided by Lawton families, and the back-to-school clothing gift cards we were able to provide through partnerships with the Alliance for Education and Operation School Bell. Other times, Lawton students and staff share their gifts with others – Ms. Leache’s class artwork on display at the Magnolia library through the end of the month and some third graders serving as reading buddies with Kindergarteners. These are just a few examples of the richness of our community and what makes it wonderful to be a Lawton.

This week we are also asking for students, staff and families to continue to support our provision of a high-quality learning environment for all. Please:

  • Prioritize on-time arrival. Students should arrive on campus at 7:40am each day and be ready to enter the building at 7:50am to join their teacher and peers for morning routines. Late arrivals disrupt learning for all students. If your student will be late or absent, please email lawton.
  • Remind students to leave personal items and toys at home. Stuffies, Pokémon cards, footballs, and all other personal equipment and toys should stay at home. We make safety decisions about the quantity and quality of sports equipment provided at recess. Toys from home are distracting during class and cause frustration and sadness when broken or misplaced.

Career Exploration Night is Tuesday, October 18th

Please join us for Lawton’s Family Career Exploration night on Tuesday, October 18th from 5:30pm to 6:30pm. Talk to an inventor, architect, ASL interpreter, oceanographer, surgeon and more as you complete your Bingo activity.

Have college and career planning on the mind and want information about paying for college? SPS created this Financial Aid Presentation you may find helpful.

Seeking Scouts and Veterans and Photos for Assembly on November 10th

We are looking for veterans and scouts for our upcoming Veteran’s Day Assembly on Thursday, November 10th. We are always honored to have veterans speak about their experience and what it means to serve our country. Having scouts present the flag and lead the pledge of allegiance is also a meaningful part of this assembly. If you are a scout leader or veteran interested in participating, please contact Aaron Swartzman at ayswartzman. If you have a picture of a veteran in your family that you want celebrated at this event, please submit using this link.

School Lunches

Student meals may be pre-paid with a credit card online at PayPams or by check submitted to the front office (make payable to Culinary Services). The application to receive free or reduced meal prices is available online or you can request a paper copy from the front office. Want to review the menu? Click here:

School Pictures

We anticipate school photos being delivered from the vendor and sent home next week. In the event your student isn’t as adorable as you know they truly are, picture retakes will occur on Tuesday, November 8th.

Costume Reminders

Reminder that school costumes should follow these guidelines:

  • No masks, face paint, or accessories/weapons
  • Practical footwear
  • Avoid cultural appropriation
  • Costumes should be packed, not worn to school

PTA News

Direct Drive Starts Monday. The Dolphin Dreams Direct Drive fundraiser is the PTA’s largest fundraising event and it starts Monday! The goal of the Dolphin Dreams campaign is to reach 100% participation. Based on current enrollment, our current ask is $436 per student. We understand that not every family is able to give at that level, so please consider giving at the level at which you’re comfortable. All classrooms that reach 100% participation will get an extra recess! Financial contribution is not required to count toward participation. Click HERE to participate.

Have you joined the PTA yet? The Lawton PTA is a membership based advocacy association and PTA is for everyone — parents, guardians, students, teachers, grandparents, administrators, school board members, aunts, uncles, community members, etc. Local PTAs build community between schools and families, so join today to have your voice heard! Don’t forget that you need to join the PTA every year, so even if you were a member last year, you need to renew for the 2022-23 school year. There are family (2 adults) memberships for $25 and single memberships for $15 available. Join us! Already joined? Invite a friend to join!

Upcoming Events

10/14 NO SCHOOL – In-Service Day

10/17 First day of After School Enrichment Clubs

10/17 – 11/18 PTA Direct Drive

10/18 Family Career Exploration Night 5:30 – 6:30pm

11/4 School Spirit Day: Silly Socks

11/4 Fall Festival, 6pm

11/10 Veteran’s Day Assembly

11/11 NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day observed

11/21 – 11/15 NO SCHOOL for students – Conferences and Thanksgiving