Our front lobby is filled with beautiful student art from our 5th graders – submitted as part of our yearbook cover contest. This year’s entries were stunning.

School Pictures

School pictures came home with students this week. Ordering instructions are in the envelopes if you didn’t pre-order. Retakes will occur on Tuesday, November 8th. Email kmcerise if you’d like to be added to the retake list.

New Covid Procedures

If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please do these three things:

Last Call for Veteran Photos

We’d love to have more pictures of veterans in your family to celebrate at our assembly on November 10th. Please email the picture with the Veteran’s name, relationship to student, and how they served to mbmichalsen.

PTA News

Fall Festival. The Lawton PTA is bringing back the Fall Festival. We will have food trucks with options for both vegetarians and omnivores plus music, dancing, crafts, games and fun! Join us Friday, November 4th from 5-7 pm. Come for dinner and stay for the sweet treats and fall drinks! For more information and to sign up to help, click here: Lawton PTA Fall Festival Fun! Here!

Save the Safety Patrol! We have one volunteer but need 1-2 more for this invaluable program. The fifth graders look forward to this opportunity, but it can’t happen without your help! Please consider taking a morning shift or two (7:30-8:00am) to oversee an amazing group of kids. Safety Patrollers greet students, help open car doors, and act as crossing guards to make the intersections safe. All they need are a few adults to help. PLEASE help us save this program. If you’re interested or have any questions, email mersina.ruediger.

If you haven’t renewed your membership or joined the Lawton PTA, now is the time! The more members we have the louder the PTA can speak up for your child and impact decisions affecting your child’s health, safety, and quality of education. The Lawton PTA uses your dues, ideas, and feedback to do things like improve the school grounds and host events that create opportunities for your child and our school community. Membership allows you a vote on the PTA budget and issues and helps Lawton PTA maintain non-profit status. Annual membership fees are $15/individual or $25/family (2 adults). Join the PTA – Lawton Elementary (lawtonpta.org)

Direct Drive Update. Thank you to all our participants – schoolwide we’re at 60% participation. While financial donations are greatly appreciated, they are not required to participate. If you have not had a chance to participate, you can do so via this link.

Congratulations to Ms. Bakker’s class for being the first to reach 100% class participation! Below you can see how close your class is to earning their extra recess:

  • Bakker: 100%
  • Noel: 80%
  • Lundgren: 75%
  • Swartzman: 71%
  • Leache: 70%
  • McDonagh: 65%
  • Dominguez: 63%
  • Soccorsy: 60%
  • Wyman: 60%
  • French: 54%
  • Hafzalla: 52%
  • Michalsen: 50%
  • Wong: 50%
  • Via: 47%
  • Conner: 45%
  • Matzner/Polik: 43%

Congratulations to our raffle prize winners this past week! The next prizes include a $50 Pagliacci gift card, a gift basket from Trader Joe’s, and four tickets to MoPOP. Raffles are cumulative; the earlier you participate the more chances you have to win.

Upcoming Events

11/4 School Spirit Day: Silly Socks

11/4 Fall Festival, 5-7pm

11/8 Picture Retake Day

11/10 Veteran’s Day Assembly

11/11 NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day observed

11/21 – 11/25 NO SCHOOL for students – Conferences and Thanksgiving