We’ve fit a lot into the first 18 days of the school year! Teachers and students have been busy establishing learning routines, building community, and practicing school expectations. Yesterday, our 5th grade students returned from IslandWood where they spent four days participating in outdoor learning and community building activities. Today we had our first Spirit Day of the year and hosted our monthly WAVE store for students to redeem tickets they’ve earned. Ask your student if they visited the WAVE store today or decided to save their tickets for something later.

Safety News

Now Hiring: Morning Safety Patrol Lead. This position will supervise student safety patrollers to help keep kids safe and traffic moving during morning drop-off. Please email kmcerise if you’re interested in applying. This position pays $17.27/hr and would work weekdays from 7:15am to 8am.

No Pets on Playground. For the safety of both students and pets, please keep all dogs off the playground during drop off and pick up. School board policy 2030 allows service animals trained for the purpose of assisting or accommodating a person’s sensory, mental, psychiatric, intellectual, or physical disability to be on school grounds, but all other pets should be kept outside of playground gates. Thank you for helping us keep students safe, reduce allergen exposures, and eliminate poop-on-shoes office visits.


We’re hearing chatter in the hallways about what students want to dress up as for Halloween. As those of you who choose to celebrate this holiday prepare, please remember that not all costumes are school-friendly. We want to make sure our school is a safe and welcoming place for everyone. Your student’s teacher will share any plans for classroom celebrations directly with you. Students wishing to wear a costume at school on Halloween need to have a costume that follows these guidelines:

  • No masks. Student faces must be visible and identifiable.
  • No face paint. Whiskers and freckles are fine, but face paint may not include blood, gore, or obscure a student’s appearance.
  • No accessories. All costume extras, including Fake weapon accessories of any kind are prohibited.
  • Costumes should be packed, not worn to school. Teachers will provide students an opportunity to change into costumes in the afternoon, but students should arrive in normal school clothes.
  • Practical footwear. Remember that PE and recess still occur, so all footwear should be safe and comfortable for a day of learning and active play.
  • Avoid cultural appropriation. Seattle Public Schools is committed to making students from all cultures and backgrounds feel welcome, safe, and respected at school.

November Conferences

In November, teachers will be hosting conferences for you to hear more about your student’s learning and progress. Conferences will occur:

  • Thursday, November 17th from 3-6pm
  • Monday, November 21st from 7:30am – 6pm
  • Tuesday, November 22nd from 7:30am – 4:30pm

You’ll receive sign-up links from your classroom teacher.

PTA News

Renew Your PTA Membership or Join Today! You belong in PTA. Strengthen your child’s community – and get a vote on the PTA budget and other issues – with your PTA membership. Your dues, ideas, and feedback help improve the school grounds, host events, and create opportunities for your child and our school community. Annual membership fees are $15/individual or $25/family (2 adults). Join the PTA – Lawton Elementary (lawtonpta.org)

After-School Enrichment (ASE) Programs Start October 17th. Registration open until Wednesday, October 12th. Programs filled fast but there are still a few spots left in:

  • Run Like the Wind (Mondays)
  • Zumba (Mondays)
  • Spanish for grades 3-5 (Tuesdays)
  • Sketching with Mr. Reddy for grades 3-5 (Wednesdays)

Check out the kmcerise.

Wednesday and Thursday Volunteer Support Needed. We are looking for one adult volunteer who can be on campus during after school programs on Wednesdays (1-3pm) and Thursdays (2:15-3:45pm) from October 17th-December 16th (8 weeks). Please email vicepresidents if you can help with one or both of these days.

Upcoming Events

10/7 School Spirit Day: Tie-Dye

10/11 PTA Fundraiser at Nutty Squirrel 3-7pm

10/14 NO SCHOOL – In-Service Day

10/17 First day of After School Enrichment Clubs

10/18 Family Career Exploration Night 5:30 – 6:30pm