Thank you for a wonderful first week of school! It was fun to see how much our returning students grew over the summer and we loved getting to know all our new students.

A smooth start to the year allows us to better support your students and you. Please help us by:

  1. Completing a get-to-know-you questionnaire
  2. Joining us for Curriculum Night
  3. Loading your student’s account if they plan to eat school lunch
  4. Returning all first day packet forms
  5. Considering volunteering for Safety Patrol

Detailed information on each of these things follows…

Help Us Get to Know Your Student and Family

You are the expert on your child(ren). Please share some of what you know to help us connect with them and facilitate their learning. Your input is valuable and appreciated! Click HERE to complete our questionnaire. Responses will be shared with classroom teachers as well as other specialists and support staff who work with your student.

Curriculum Night is Tuesday, September 20th

Please join us for Curriculum Night on Tuesday, September 20h. This is a whole-family event. Students are welcome and encouraged.

  • 5:00 – 5:30 Kindergarten family connection time in classrooms
  • 5:30 – 6:30 All grades open house with opportunities to visit your student’s classroom and other key locations. Gather stamps and be entered to win a prize!

How to Pay for School Lunches

SPS is returning to charging for school meals. The new prices are $2.25 for elementary breakfast and $3.25 for elementary lunch. Student meals may be pre-paid with a credit card online at PayPams or by check submitted to the front office (make payable to Culinary Services). The application to receive free or reduced meal prices is available online or you can request a paper copy from the front office.

It’s Time to Return First Day Packet Forms

Your student brought home an envelope full of start of school forms and information. Thank you to everyone who has already returned the forms! If you haven’t already done so, please make sure to send them on Monday.

Parent Safety Patrol Volunteers Needed

PTA is looking for a team of parents to help with the Safety Patrol program this year. The team will train 5th grade volunteers, create schedules for student and parent volunteers, and assist in the crosswalks at 27th and Elmore. Safety Patrol is a 5th grade tradition and a huge help making the start of our day safe and smooth, but we need parent volunteers to facilitate the program. To volunteer, email vicepresidents

Upcoming Events

9/20 Curriculum Night, 5:30 – 6:30pm

9/22, 9/23 School Picture Days

9/30 PTA’s Back to School Bash 5-7pm

10/3 – 10/6 5th Grade Camp

10/7 School Spirit Day: Tie-Dye