This week, students began visiting the library with our librarian, Ms. Gallegos. The re-opening of our library to students is exciting for all of us. Ms. Gallegos did a great job keeping books in student hands during remote and hybrid learning last year but it’s so much more fun for them to browse the shelves themselves to discover something new.  

Each fall, we make time for families to meet your student’s teacher and hear about the upcoming year. Our teachers are looking forward to hosting virtual Curriculum Connections meetings on September 21st. Please join us to hear about the exciting learning planned for your student and what our new “normal” looks like in the classroom.  Each teacher or grade level team will host two sessions; you may attend the one that best suits you.

CURRICULUM CONNECTIONS. Links to all meetings were sent via email. You will receive an email from your student’s teacher with links for your classroom meetings on Monday September 20th.


See schedule below.  Weather permitting, portraits will be taken outside. Pre-order your pictures HERE:

You do not need to submit a receipt on picture day. All students will be photographed for school files. Solid colors in medium to dark tones photograph well. Avoid all white, light pastel, neon, and busy prints.  

Picture day on Thursday, 9/23
11:355th Grade
Picture day on Friday, 9/24


Please continue to send your students dressed to eat and play comfortably outside. If the weather makes eating outside impossible, we will have students eat in the cafeteria and gym following all health and safety protocols. 


Gear up for the year with a Lawton tee or sweatshirt! Dolphin spirit wear in kid and adult sizes is available for purchase now through September 30th. Orders will be shipped directly to your home. Order here:


SPS Covid Dashboard. SPS has a dashboard showing confirmed COVID-19 cases. This dashboard will show a cumulative number of confirmed positive cases. This number includes people who were Covid positive in quarantine at the start of the school year as well as the number people Covid positive after the start of the school year. The dashboard will be updated by SPS weekly. 

Lawton Covid Update. We will continue to notify families if a student in their class has a confirmed case of Covid. To balance school-wide transparency with our commitment to protecting student privacy, we will continue to limit direct communication notices to only those in the same classroom but will share the number of classroom notifications sent in the principal newsletter each week. For the week of 9/13 – 9/17 Lawton sent 0 classroom notifications.

What to do when your student is sick. You can help us keep our school safe and healthy by keeping your student home and getting them tested for COVID-19 when they have one or more COVID-like symptoms for any duration.

Students with COVID symptoms should stay home until: 

  • They receive a negative COVID-19 test AND
  • 24 hours after fever has resolved (without fever-reducing medication) AND
  • Other symptoms have improved. 

OR, if an alternative diagnosis has been provided by a health care provider, please communicate with our school nurse and follow the provider’s directions and isolate, per the condition diagnosed (whichever isolation is longer). 

If your student tests positive for COVID-19, keep your student home and contact your school.  

Covid symptoms include:

  • Fever (100.4˚F / 38˚C or higher)
  • Cough
  • Loss of taste or smell
  • Chills
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle pain or body aches
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Covid Testing. Rapid antigen tests are appropriate to use when someone has symptoms. UW PCR covid testing sites: PCR testing at school is available but longer turnaround times. If you are able, we encourage you to go to outside providers for quicker turnaround times and less school days missed.

If you have any questions about testing or other questions related to health, you can contact Somi, our school nurse, at

Protect your family from the flu!

Seattle Public Schools has partnered with the Seattle Visiting Nurse Association (SVNA) to provide flu shot clinics for the public from September 18 – October 21, 2021. Six of these regional clinics will also offer COVID-19 vaccines for all students, staff and families who are twelve and up. More information about these clinics are on the SPS Health Services webpage


September 21 – Curriculum Connections @ 5:15pm and 6:00pm

September 23 & 24 – School Picture Days

October 1 –Tie-Dye Spirit Day

October 8 – No School, In-Service Day