Thank you for a wonderful first week of school! We are looking forward to welcoming our kindergarten students to campus on September 9th.

First Day Packets

Your 1st – 5th grade student should have brought home an envelope full of start of school forms and information. Kindergarten families will receive their packets soon. Please return all forms as soon as possible.

Extra Masks

Please send your child with a few clean masks each day. We’re finding that PE and multiple recesses can leave masks soiled and uncomfortable. Having extras will keep your child safe and comfortable throughout the school day. We have disposable masks available when needed.

End of Day Plans

Please make sure your student knows their end-of-day plan every morning before leaving home. They should arrive at school confident about if they are riding the bus home and/or who is picking them up and where to meet. If plans change, please email by noon so that we have time to pass along a message.

SPS Community Survey for K-5 Math Curriculum Adoption
SPS started the process of adopting a new K – 5 math curriculum. As part of that effort, they are collecting input from community members regarding their needs and priorities. Please take the Online Community Needs Assessment Survey

Family Connectors University

SPS families are invited to join North Seattle College’s Family Connectors University (FCU) class, a family-focused online course designed to help parents support their child’s learning and growth. The class costs approximately $40 and takes place via Zoom for 10 weeks beginning Tuesday, September 28th at 6pm.  Parents can participate synchronously or asynchronously; some scholarships are available. Check out video here and course details here

Upcoming Events

September 6 – Labor Day

September 9 – First Day of School for Kindergarten

September 10 – PTA’s Back to School Bash  

September 23 & 24 – School Picture Days