Happy (almost) Valentine’s Day! We hope next week’s mid-winter break gives you quality time with the ones you love. We look forward to seeing students back in class on Monday, February 22nd

February is an in-between time in each school year – celebrating the solid relationships between students and teachers and evidence of learning and growth while we make plans for the year to come. Last week we hosted tours for families planning to join the Lawton community in the fall and we are now in the midst of our budget and planning cycle for next year.

Community Budget Survey (please complete by February 26th)

Lawton Elementary and the Lawton PTA start their budgeting processes at this time each year to make budget decisions that will support Lawton students in the coming year. The school and PTA budgeting processes are separate, but they run on similar cycles and work together—with the PTA often choosing to fund or supplement things that the school budget can’t provide.

Please take the 5-minute survey HERE before February 26th to share your input on priorities that should be considered by Lawton staff and Lawton PTA during their budget processes.    

For those interested in the broader district budget, you can find information HERE.

PTA Budget Meeting March 1st

This year the PTA Board has aligned their budgeting process to coincide with the Seattle Public Schools budget timeline. All families are invited to join the PTA President and Treasurer on March 1st from 6-6:30pm for a presentation and discussion on the proposed PTA budget for 2021-2022. Zoom link will be sent on 2/26.

Talent Show Submittals Due March 5th

Does your student have a hidden talent? Are you looking for a mid-winter break activity? Lawton is excited to host Talent Show Week March 15th-18th! Students wishing to participate should upload their talent video by March 5th

Talent show videos may be a maximum of 90 seconds long and must have school-appropriate music/language/dancing. Please memorize scripts and lyrics before recording. By submitting an entry, parents/guardians acknowledge that the video will be made public online from 3/15-3/19

To participate, upload your video to the link that matches your student’s grade level (or grade level of oldest student participant in video):

Key Dates

February 12 – Last day to donate to Toiletry Drive

February 15-19 – NO SCHOOL: Mid-Winter Break

February 23 – Dolphin Dialogue at 11:45am

February 26 – Last day to complete budget survey (HERE)

March 1 – PTA Budget Meeting at 6pm (link coming soon)

March 5 – Deadline to submit talent show videos