Movie Night – April 28

One of our students initiated this fun Movie Night event, and the PTA is making it happen! If it is successful, we hope to host more events like these in the future.

We can’t do it without the help of volunteers! Please consider signing up!

After School Enrichment

The PTA is in need of a parent volunteer who can be on-site on Mondays from 2:15-4:15pm to assist. The volunteer makes sure that the instructors arrive and check attendance, makes sure everyone gets picked up by their caregivers and instructors leave the building. It’s a very easy gig!

For helping out, the PTA will cover the cost of your child/ren if they are in any enrichment classes!

Please email if you are interested.

Lawton Move-A-Thon

The Move-a-Thon is a festive, supportive opportunity for our kids to run, walk, skip and dance around the upper field for 30 minutes. It’s a fun-filled day with lots of parent involvement and a big accomplishment for our kiddos. 

  • We need your help on Friday, May 12! We need lots of parent volunteers to help track laps, run with the kids and otherwise encourage our movers to keep on keeping on, please sign up here
  • Special thanks to Metropolitan Market as our sponsor!